
Monday, December 15, 2014

Santa Kitty Toy Hop

Cats across the blogosphere this year are doing something a little different. We are each picking a local charity and giving back. Summer from Sparkle's blog is organizing it and has a link set up for all the blogs participating.

We thought long and hard about who to donate to around here. We live in a large with with lots of rescues but wanted to pick a smaller one that may not get a lot of support.

We decided to donate to Hospets. (they are on facebook too) They are a group that does several things:
      1. Provide food and vet services for elderly and hospice patients
      2. Provide transportation to vet appointments
      3. Provide respite care for those individuals that are going into nursing care and need short term placement of their pets
      4. Help find homes for animals displaced by the death of their owners or for owners that are no longer able to care for their pets on their own or with help

 Mom took food, litter, treats and toys.

We have a dog park near us and they were set up on Saturday and Sunday taking donations. Mom checked their facebook page on Sunday and it appears to be a huge success. We think this group is doing good work helping those that need assistance to keep their pets.


  1. What a great idea - we hope you will get many donations towards keeping your services for older people and people who can't get about with their pets without help from other people.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. That sounds like a necessary organisation doing good work. Good luck to them!

  3. What a wonderful, wonderful group and it's a service that's desperately needed. I don't think there's anything like this in our area. Kudos to your mom and to them!

  4. This sounds like a great organization! Thanks for taking part in the blog hop!

  5. Lovely idea, and great organization ! We're happy to be part of Santa Kitty Toy Hop too ! Purrs

  6. What a fantastic organization! We never heard of them before, and it sounds like they provide really vital services.

  7. That sounds like a great organisation and will give peace of mind to the ill or elderly who need help with their pets.

  8. What a wonderful organization! It is so easy to get caught in the cute of kittens, so it's great to hear of this service for the older cats who through no fault of their own, lose the forever home.

  9. Sounds like a great place to donate!

  10. That sounds like a wonderful commitment - very much needed.

    I wish I had more time to post and comment - will attempt to participate more over time as my schedule allows. I love all of my cat blogger friends!! Hoping your kitties stay or become their healthiest!

  11. What a wonderful gift to such a wonderful group! Thank you for choosing Hopsets. They are doing such important work. Hugs!

  12. Paws up! What a great donation to a great group!

  13. What a wonderful charity! Pets help us in so many ways.

  14. What a wonderful group! It's so heartwarming and inspiring to know there are organizations out there helping people and their pets in these heartbreaking and challenging situations. You guys are awesome for helping them : )

  15. Hospice care is so important and we need more organizations like Hospets. Your generous donation will bring some purrs. We'll be posting our hop post on Wednesday.

  16. That is an AMAZING group. We wish our gramma had a hospets down in Texas, so she can get her kitty to the vets, since she no longer drives. What they do is a true service. Highpaw to them, and we're so very glad you chose them for your Santa Kitty Toy Hop!

  17. Wow, it was great that you chose them to donate to, how special!


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