
Thursday, February 6, 2014

NOT thankful Thursday....

Oh was that time of year again. The v-e-t showed up - AT THE HOUSE!!!

She comes twice a year and this time up was Tim, Tom and Ivy. Cod help us.

Tommy was weighed and vaccinated. He has lost over 1 1/2 pounds in a year which concerns the vet and mom. So the v-e-t did her vampire routine and we should have some results in a couple of days. Mom isn't too concerned as Tommy hasn't acted any different. Mom has cut back on food around here to help the Princess but has decided to put out a little more at meal time as everyone around here (except that darned Princess) doesn't need to loose weight.

Speaking of the Princess. She knew something was up and mom was unable to catch her to get her in the bathroom before the v-e-t arrived. She wedged herself behind the sofa. But the tech has some serious wrangling skills. So she grabbed the Ivy and wrapped her in a towel. There was some screaming (by the cat - not the mom or the tech) but she actually was pretty quiet in the bathroom (that's a first). And she lost.....  0.1 pounds. Mom just sighed.

Tim was caught too and was the first contestant. The v-e-t has some concerns about his front teeth (if you remember he lost most of his teeth 12/12 due to stomatitis.....his fangs look a little inflamed...but we are going to keep an eye on him for now.

Seems the number of the night was 12: Tim weighs 12 pounds, Tommy weighs 12.01 pounds (they checked twice cause that just seems wrong) and Ivy weighs 12 pounds also. Maestro was weighed too (though mom can't remember the number) and has lost some too....but that is more likely due to his age. Again....we see more breakfast and dinner in our futures (guess that makes up for the v-e-t).

Mozart was out wandering around. He rubbed on the v-e-t's coat and tried to knock stuff off the table. Amelia came out and supervised for a little bit. No one ever saw Junior, Spud, Cumin or Saffron. MOL

**update - the v-e-t called Wednesday afternoon (after mom wrote this). She said that most of the result of Tommy's blood work are good. But his albumen numbers are the low side of normal and his globulen numbers are high. Which to her indicates a gut issue. So she is sending a dose of panacur (start simple) and mom is gonna lock up Tommy and take a stool sample to be tested (the lab is local and mom can drop it off). In the meantime mom put out a little more food this am but while most of it was eaten, there was some leftovers (mid-morning snack). Mom asked Dr T about adding some canned food to our diet as well, so that will be coming. YAY!! (mom: cause my cat food budget needs that...I gotta find a friend with a card to Costco or Sam's) Dr T said it may end up being IBD and she would suggest starting with diet change and go from there. Mom needs to do some research and we need to wait for some more tests. But Dr T didn't seem seriously concerned. She said let's start with this, weigh him in a month and see what happens.


  1. Even with home visits, doing the vet checkups is really complicated at your house!

    1. yep - nothing easy around here ... at least one cat per visit has to be a pain :)

  2. Panacur is a wormer, right? We now it's used for horses but didn't realise it was used for kitties too.

    Our experience is that Coctso does not always have the best prices so might be worth checking out Walmart if you can't get into the actual Sam's Club. Also check online. Sometimes you can get better prices plus free delivery.

    The Chans

    1. yep - mom has to do some pricing research.

      panacur and strongid are both used for cats and dogs though started out as being used in horses :)

  3. Mommy had made arrangements for the vet to come to the house some time back. After she got ALL of us in the room, we all waited...and waited.....and WAITED. The vet never showed. YAY!

  4. Thank goodness our vet doesn't visit - it would make our home stink!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Sounds like a fun time at your house. We would never find anyone if someone strange came in the house. It would be a giant game of hide and seek. Glad everyone is pretty much OK.

  6. We're not sure if you're lucky your vet does house calls. (None here do, that we know of.)

    Lots of purrs to Tommy. If it turns out to be IBD or something of that nature, we know single-source protein, grain-free (preferably raw) is the way to go fo rmost cats. Our human was on a Feline Yahoo IBD group for a short time, when it seemed Annie might have that problem, back in 2007. (She didn't, it was the food the human had switched her to--once she went back to Annie's regular food, she was fine.)

  7. Oh noes... The vet is in your house??? Keep hide friend!

  8. Admiral had a Vet come by but catching her was a horrible challenge so we jut decided to continue with tricking her into the carrier.

  9. I do hope that it is simple to solve

  10. Fingers and paws crossed for Tommy! Extra foods should make up for the vet visit, no?

  11. paws crossed that everything 'comes out' ok and the stool sample is negative..

  12. That would not make us happy for the V-E-T to come to the house!!! Glad all went well. We have tried Feliway on Al - nothing works - even drugs, calming herbs. Things slow him down but he still attacks the other cats.

    Cats of wildcat woods

  13. dood...pawz crossed...all 80 oh em....even if we due knot haz that manee... that yur new "diet" will help ya sum...all sew we think sinze wednesday iz use a lee like a lottree tickit kinda day ??? N next wednesday bee de 12th...yur mom shuld go get a tickit...knot a speedin tickit...a lott ree tickit !!

  14. OMC, a v-e-t came to the house? Now we're even more afraid of strangers coming in than ever! We hope that Tommy's tummy is happier soon.

  15. Dang, that sure doesn't sound like fun, but at least it's over...for now.

  16. We's got our paws crossed the bug in the tummy is gone soon Tommy! Some of you is furry brave to have the v e t to come to your house. The rest of you got it right and hid, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  17. Well, at least you guys didn't hafta get into PTUs to go to the v-e-t. We bet you're glad that's over now.

  18. oh my, a vet that sneaks in your house and tortures you in your territory - that's just plain cruel. Yikes - I do hope everything ends up being minor.

  19. Fortunately, our V-E-T doesn't come at home ! At least, it's done... We hope that Tommy's tummy gets better soon. Purrs

  20. We have our yearly round-up (as Dad calls it) when the vet comes to the house. Our vet is a serious wrangler as well. Last year, Fiona got behind the bed and glued herself to the wall. Canned food in your future…yippee! We get an eighth of a can each morning and evening. Hope it turns out that everything is okay for Tommy. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  21. We have started at home with our vet and we love it…not all the fur kids love it but the best part was the one cat that we could not get into the carrier to take to the vet was the one who did the best at home! Sure hope all has settled down at your house and that everyone is doing well! It's so hard to help them understand that you are trying to help them by the vet coming over.

  22. We sure hope Tommy's OK! More canned food sounds GREAT!
    Thanks for clarifying who was doing the screaming. Ha roo roo roo!
    Play bows,

  23. OMC you allowed the vet into your sacred Kingdom??? OMC OMC!


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