
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Something different and interesting....

A while ago, our friends at Glogirly did a review of a interview they had with a pet psychic.  We left a comment that mom often wonder what some of us were thinking.

Well then out of the blue we got an email from Sunny saying she had seen our comment and asking if we would be interested in a reading and review it here. We were going to talk to Nancy from Psychic Source.  Mom mainly worries about the three youngest ones here and how they get along with each other, so she sent a picture of Ivy, Spud and Junior.

Last Friday night mom settled into her chair with these two:

And then she dialed in to talk to Nancy. We will let mom take it from here:
I will be honest - I wasn't sure what to think going in. Like many others, I am kind of skeptical about this sort of thing. Now, I do believe there are things going on out there that I don't understand, but someone "reading" my cats from far away based on a picture? Not so sure about that. But I was curious and willing to give it a shot. I was most curious about the youngest three as their dynamic is the one that makes me the most crazy. None of them seem to get along and there are days I am sure Spud and Junior are going to start a death match.

As I started speaking to Nancy, she asked about Ivy first. It was interesting as Ivy was sleeping across the room on the floor vent (no, my house is not that cold but whatever). Nancy said that Ivy is very self confident (check), very calm (most of the time) and very comfortable. At this point I burst out laughing cause I am not sure Nancy meant literally comfortable, but as she said it, Ivy had rolled over onto her back and was heating up her other side on the vent. Nancy went on to say that Ivy views herself as the queen of the household and gets annoyed with the younger boys when they don't treat her with the respect she believes she deserves. But she said that Ivy is peaceful and content and knows she is living with us for a reason. I found that interesting since of all the cats, especially the foster-failures, she is the one that I can never give people a good reason for adopting. She needed to come back.

We then went on to talk about Junior. Now, if you have been following us for a while, you know that Junior was live-trapped at just over 3 months old as a kitten and came to us from a feral colony. I am fairly certain based on kittens we caught the following summer that one of the girls we trapped then was his mom as well. However, Nancy wouldn't have known that based on the picture. She said that he is afraid of people due to being kicked as a kitten by a young boy. Which is interesting....I am not certain anyone could have gotten that close to these kittens, though a couple of the memorial day kittens were pretty friendly once we caught them. Nancy also said that Junior is a big kid and that is part of the issue with Spud. Junior thinks he should be number one and is struggling a little to find his place. She did say that given some more time (maybe a couple of years), he will learn to trust me and our relationship will blossom. OK, I have waited this long, I am willing to give it more time. I told her this is his home no matter what.

And then on to Spud....Nancy said it felt like he was healing from something. I told her that he hadn't been injured or had surgery or anything. But then I told her about how I decided to keep him and have felt guilty that I was trying to replace Tigg (that is a whole other story). She said it could be emotional healing but that he is balanced and centered and looking for peaceful coexistence.

Nancy went on to say that Spud and Junior may never be best friends but as Junior settles into his place, they will learn to get along.

At this point, Junior came walking out from behind my chair and went over to lay down (seen above) next to Tommy. I would have sworn he was in the back bedroom as I knew that Spud was under the end table behind my chair. Junior had been in the room the entire time.  :)  I have to say that it is definitely the dynamic between him and Spud since Junior is visibly relaxed with the older cats - and will seek affection from them as well (Tommy had been grooming Junior's head just prior to the picture).

Ivy on her floor vent - warming her buns

At this point she asked if I had any questions and we went through the rest of the crew. She didn't have pictures, so I described them and gave her their ages.

Maestro: peaceful (he was sleeping on the arm of the chair next to me - his favorite spot). He sees himself as the center of my world.

Mozart: Nancy saw him as "religious" and an "emporer" (we may not want to discuss that part in front of him). She said that he is relatively undisturbed by the other adults in the house as he sees their mysteries and understands them.

Tim and Tom: she said they are very bonded and peaceful and happy.

I did ask if there was any sense that they were unhappy about the foster kittens that are constantly coming and going in the house. I have often wondered. They seem ok with it but....  Nancy said that they really are fine with the kittens. They see themselves as mentors and playmates and helping me help the kittens.

Then she said she had a couple of things about me. She said that I love what I do with the cats and the rescue and that I was meant to be doing this work. And here is the scary part: she said that in 2014 she sees a yellow male cat coming into my life that is meant to stay here.  YIKES!!!  :)

Overall, I was impressed. Sure, the cynic in me could say that she used a lot of generalities and could have learned some of the things if she read the blog before the call. But....I don't often discuss the "bad" dynamic in the house, so someone would have to do some digging to find all that. As for the other part of me, it was interesting to get the perspective of someone who has never met the cats and yet got a similar impression of them that I do. It was reassuring to know that they seem ok with the constant changes and are really ok with each other for the most part. And that maybe, just maybe, there is an end in sight for the conflict with the younger part of the crew. It was a very interesting phone call and I enjoyed talking to Nancy.

*We didn't pay for the interview but all opinions are our own.


  1. You got a way better reading than my human did! Like I said, I blame her - she does not do well with psychics in general. Let's not even get into her total inability to be hypnotized either!

  2. I tend to be skeptical also, but it sounds like it was quite interesting. I do think that most "'psychics" are just very good at reading people/Beings, reading between the lines, reading body language when in person, etc. However, I also think that there are a very few who are legit...and I certainly believe that most of life is a Mystery. :-)

    My mom has had a couple of uncannily accurate psychic readings over the years (done through work at holiday party time, for fun). And she was told a lot of things about her family members that no one at the time could have known (in the days before Google).

  3. That's very interesting. I'm not sure what to think of psychics but it's always nice to hear what they have to say. I had one tell me my life would be better when I reached a certain age and strangely enough, it did. :)

  4. I think we are all skeptics to some degree but I also believe that there are people that can communicate with the animals. Glad this was a good reading for you. But I am surprised that they wanted any information from you.

  5. Interesting. I have a problem believing in psychics, but it sure would be nice to know what our pets are thinking or feeling.

  6. Comforting to learn my household conflict between me and the foster to adopt Sage is not unique. We just can't manage this conflict for years so somehow Ihave to get braver and able to fear her less...sigh

  7. That does sound interesting and she sounds pretty darn good. I am not sure I want to know what these cats are thinking. LOL. Take care.

  8. That’s what I wonder about: if she reads up on our blogs to learn about the cats. She axed if she could do a reading on me but I still haven’t gotten back to her. We’ll see. This was very inneresting.

  9. Hmm, it did sound pretty general to me. The bit when she talked about Spud healing, and then switched to an 'emotional' healing, after learning that he was not injured at all, seems suspicious. However, I keep an open mind regarding psychics. I just don't think it's open to this particular psychic. It seems like it was fun nonetheless.

    1. Mom emailed the lady that contacted us and she said they only get the pictures right before the calls and aren't given our blog info, so there is that..... and it was fun (mom is still laughing about Ivy)

  10. Oh my now Mommy is even more anxious for our reading. Which will be tomorrow evening. It was all very interesting to us. We can't wait to meet the orange cat in 2014.

    1. it was very interesting....and just STOP about the orange cat MOL

  11. I can't imagine such a thing but I would love to be part of the experiment.

  12. I think there are people who are truly gifted with psychic abilities, and there are people who either think they are but really aren't, or who pretend, to make a buck. Actually, we all have the ability but we don't all have the means or desire to develop it. Interesting reading though.

    1. we think that is probably true....she hit some interesting things. either way it was fun

  13. That is very exciting. It's always tough in a multi-cat household. I remember when I had the 17 (in a 900 sq ft house) how they felt but they all seemed to get along. Now with my four I think they are all fine but Sherpa gets a wild hair now and then and I have NO idea what his problem is. He just starts chewing on Harry like Harry is dinner. Silly kitties!

    1. oh we still wonder.....cause last night Spud was after Ivy in full stalker mode. sigh....

  14. Wow, it sounds like Nancy was pretty right-on about some stuff. In any case, I'm glad you had fun on the call!

  15. I am finding these very interesting and I am kind of jealous! I would love to know what is up with Emily and Sammy. It sounds like everyone has had pretty good reading so far though.

  16. Very interesting! We were contacted a while back by Sunny, and then again just recently, so we plan to talk to (well, the mom will do the talking!) with one of the psychics but not until after the holidays.

  17. Very interesting. We're supposed to have a reading, but Mom Paula's surgery got in the way.

  18. Interesting...I've never thought about having the cats read. I have been to a psychic a few times in my life. Each time there was something they picked up on that no one who didn't know me well could have picked up on. If nothing else, it's fun and harmless!

  19. Right now, I'm reading "Animals and the Afterlife." There are animal communicators mentioned along with their stories. I would want to research to get a gifted one, but those who have proven themselves are expensive. Your reading sounds interesting. We'll be waiting to see about the 2014 prediction!

  20. I had a reading once, and while I was on the phone Eli walked up and pawed at the phone, he's never done that before and hasn't done it since. I'd love to have another reading with Jack to find out what is going on with him and his urinary issues..

  21. You just never know. And it was interesting.
    Someone in Sweden "read" a photo of our great sister Stormy and had some remarkable things to say about her. One day, Mom likes to think she'll know for sure.
    Sorry we've been MIA. Some puppy around here doesn't quite nap as much as she used to and seems to have a TON of energy that needs "directed".
    Play bows,


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