
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday....

Tim update: I had to take Uncle Bill to a local vet that is newly associated with the rescue (OMG can I tell you how much I love this office). (side note: Uncle Bill is fine - he is boarding there for a few days until his new mom takes him home for Tim is the one having issues) I decided to bite the bullet and make an appointment for Tim. I leave tomorrow for the holiday weekend and didn't want something happening or my pet sitter having to deal with it. He was freaked out enough that the vet there got a much better look at his mouth. They didn't see an abcess but rather ulcers along the back of his mouth. No mention of THAT when he had his dental. ugh The vet was concerned about Bartonella, so they drew blood but the test takes about a week. If that isn't it, we will re-evaluate. I did have them give him a convenia shot. I know that some people aren't fans, but they have had good luck with it when it comes to dental issues and this way the pet sitter won't have to stress him out trying to give him the clavamox. Please keep your fingers crossed for the boy....not sure what the next step is from here.


  1. Yikes, poor Uncle Bill. Lots of purrs from us.

    But what's the deal...He had a dental and they didn't mention the ulcers???? What kind of "professionals" are they??? Unless ulcers can appear very quickly??


  2. Glad you took Tim to the new vet. I know that the convenia shot is controversial, but I tell you, it is so much easier that giving pills or liquid and so far (knock on wood) I haven't had any trouble from it. I really don't think the vets would use it if it caused a lot of side effects.
    Anyway, sending tons of purrs for Tim. I bet that shot will help him at least until they get the blood back. Take care.

  3. Well, as long as a person makes an educated choice about Convenia.... I would never use it unless I had no other alternative, knowing the risks.....

    I didn't know the risks of steroid injections and it gave my cat diabetes... I won't make that mistake again.

  4. Awwww poor Uncle Bill! :-( We send him many purrs and hugs!!

    Take care

  5. Will keep all available fingers and paws crossed for Tim. I hope he still manages to eat well.

  6. Going out of town with a hurting kitty at home would be tough. I would be worried crazy. I hope the shot helps him.

    Yea for the new ESS!! Someday, I'll have to get one of those, it sure looks like it's being enjoyed! Your cats are so quiet! My cats would be talking up a storm with all that play!!

  7. Oh Jeanne that video made me smile!!! So nice to see them all playing with the the Bourb to be in there like a dirty shirt - LOL!!!

  8. Yeah for Uncle Bill getting a new Mom. We are sending Tim healing purrs and we has our paws crossed that he will be fine while you are away.

    Thank you for your Christmas card, it made us smile when we read you were still purring for Arty. It is nice that people still remember her and purr for her. We still hope she will come home.

  9. Poor Tim! We hope everything clears up!
    Sorry we've been MIA. It's been CRAZY here ... but we're trying to get caught up!
    Play bows,

  10. conga ratz bill on yur mew forecer home N best fishes two ewe

    tim; even MOR blessings oh st francis two ewe...heerz ta grate health....period

    hope yur mom haz safe travels there home N everee wear in between N a Merry Christmas two all and two all a fat trout :)


  11. We are sending lots of positive thoughts for Tim. and goat hugs

  12. Paws crossed for good news! We hope you love your esss as much as we love ours! Purrs...from your friends at

  13. We sure hope Tim will be okay. We'll say extra purrs and prayers for him, okay?

    That is one popular ESS! :)

  14. We hope everything goes well with Tim. His shot, his blood test, his dental issues. I'd also ask the new vet if those ulcers could have been caused by a person who was not well- trained in doing a "dental." I used to work at a veterinarian's office and I know you really have to be careful with the instrument they use to clean teeth. If held in place too long it can heat up the tooth to the point it can cause burns in the gums.

    And, you'd be surprised at how many "vet techs" are not licensed or have not even received any formal training. It varies from state to state.

  15. Yay for Uncle Bill! BIG purrs for Tim. If the shot doesn't do it, don't give up - mouth ulcers can be treated though it may take some time. Purrs.

    Laura & Taffy

  16. wordless but not purrless :) yow! you kitties are having so much fun with your ESS! We are purring Tim will be better soon.

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  17. Poor Tim! We are purring for him and hope he feels better soon.

  18. That Ess is sure getting a lot of attention! And it looks so wunnerfully "unused"...

  19. Soft woos of White Dog healing energy to poor Tim. When your mouth hurts, your view on life is pretty crabby.

  20. We're purring like crazy for Tim. Hope all goes well while you are away. Mom says, Safe travels and Merry Christmas!

    Our Ess doesn't quite get used like yours...guess we're to big to crawl under it, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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