
Thursday, December 20, 2012

How to create a gremlin.....

Step One: find a kitten - the fuzzier the better

Step Two: give the kitten a bath (yeah - no pictures of that)

Step Three: towel dry - tada - gremlin

Emma got a bath the other day. She had some......disgusting buns. And you thought she had weird hair before....  hahaha


  1. Oh Emma, you really are having bad hair day.Poor Emma, wonder why your hair does stick up But we love you anyway Emma. We think you are so cute. Take care.

  2. never feed her after midnight, no matter how much she begs.

  3. Awww, she is the cutest little thing

  4. I'll bet she feels clean and fresh. I know about disgusting bums. I have to clean my Josie from time to time. She hates it, but we're still friends - afterward.

  5. My human wants Emma! She says she looks a little like the cat before me. She never bathed her though - she would not have DARED! Harlot was

    Good thing you do not live near us because we three kitties have set down a "no more cats" rule!

  6. Awwww.sweet baby! She doesn't look all that upset about having a bath, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. mol! sorry Emma! it's proly poor consolation that you do look cute :D

    Pip, Smidgen, minnie, Hollie

  8. Thank you fer not showin pictures of kitties gettin all wetted in baffs. There are SOME things that are just too disturbin.

  9. Emma has Einstein hair! She is such a cutie!


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