
Thursday, April 20, 2023

First fosters of spring

 The rescue got a call about a momcat and single baby and we picked them up last night. 

Momma is medium hair, medium sized brown tabby - with thumbs (only in the front). Her kitten is about 5 weeks old, female (we think) and short hair brown and white tabby - no thumbs though. 

Mom is super friendly and the kitten should warm up pretty quickly too. The guy who found them has had them since the kitten was a couple days old, so we know there was just one.

Momma cat will be Mochi, the kitten Boba.

Of course mom also has the best built in toy ever:


  1. Will never understand why mom's do what they do; they have the hardest job on the planet, and that goes for any mom!

  2. Mochi is gorgeous, and Boba is adorable.

  3. Mochi and boba are both beautiful. Thank you for fostering them!


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