
Monday, June 1, 2020

Words have power

We all know what has been going on in the world for the last few months, but more specifically in Minneapolis and the rest of the U.S. over the last week.

It is heartbreaking.

As a writer, I feel like I should say something.

As a human being, I'm at a loss.

But I do know this: we need change. At all levels. It starts with one person....say something, do something.


  1. It starts with a conversation and you've opened that door!

  2. Yes, and hopefully we'll have opportunities to work together productively as we move forward.

  3. Yup, everyone just needs to calm down and take a break. Have a good day.

  4. Even if folks don't agree, they can work together to make change.
    We need change!

  5. Thank you for starting the conversation, that is what we need the most is communication that will lead to understanding and hopefully peace.

  6. It looks like many are saying and doing something, but those in charge are not only not listening, but actively fighting against change.

  7. It's a sad situation to watch happening but I believe the days of just looking on are gone. There are so many who are stepping forward to make their voices heard.

  8. My heart is heavy with grief and anger, too. Things really, really need to change.


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