
Monday, July 29, 2019

Stupid cat fountain

Mom was gone again this past weekend. Since she doesn't trust the fountain would be kept filled, she unplugged it, cleaned it, and left it on the counter.

When she got home yesterday, she set it back up and....the dumb thing is leaking out the back by the plug. Mom is going to attempt to fix it (don't hold your breath) but in the meantime, some cat is unhappy about this new development.


  1. Good luck with that; nope, we won't hold our breaths. We've had bad luck with all the fountains we've tried over the years, especially the pricey stainless steel and ceramic ones. Our current one (which only Nicki uses), is a cheap plastic one and that's been chugging away for over 1.5 years now, surprisingly. We'll see how long it lasts; maybe we've jinxed it now.

  2. We've tried many fountains, but our water is so calcareous that the pump always dies within a few months. We gave up and came back to our good old ceramic water bowl. Purrs

  3. Oh, Chanel! Do you actually drink from that fountain, or just play pawsies in the water? I'm sure your Mom can fix it; she's good at stuff like that!
    (aside to Mom: I'm giving you a good build up!)

    1. thanks....we are waiting for the stuff to dry she put in the hole. Chanel usually just drinks from it but recently decided it might be fun to play with (hence the new bigger mat with a lip)

  4. chanel; tell yur mom ta put sum fish in ther; will fix it rite up !!!

    noe joke ~~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  5. We have a cheap plastic one that seems to be holding it's own. Though Saku does have a tendency to splash efurry so often which drives the mom bean nuts.

    Chanel we sure hope your mom gets it fixed for you!

  6. We have such hard water here, our fountains regularly get ruined. the latest one is still hanging in there!

  7. That is too bad but nothing better than a good dish of water. Have a great evening.

  8. I have to go with the big thick glass bowls we have here. I know how to operate them...


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