
Monday, February 18, 2019

Messing around

Daiquiri seems to have a weird sense when mom points a camera at her. Phone, video, camera....doesn't matter.

Mom has been trying to get video of the girls playing on the floor. The girls?? Not helping:


  1. Of course, they won't play if someone is watching. I have to say, I love the picture of the Clydedales. Have a good day.

  2. Daiquiri is such a cutie! Love that racing stripe on her back!
    Da Boyz are nutso over spring toys...that is, until they find a catnip stuffed toy, or a water bottle top...

  3. Rule #23 : stop anything cute or worth a picture when the pawparazzi are around. Purrs

  4. Nope, not gonna play when the mom bean is paying attenshun. MOL!

  5. It reminds me of the Warner Brothers cartoon about the Vaudeville frog who doesn't do anything, so long as people are watching...

  6. Ha! We usually stop whatever we're doing when mom hits the video button!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. I don't like to play while my human is filming me because she puts too much effort into the camera and not enough attention to the toy!

  8. The old, "Look! There's a camera! We have to stop what we're doing!" trick!


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