
Friday, January 4, 2019

wrap up

Mike would come up and just ASK to get his butt kicked

but he is certainly adorable

Did you see the news on Facebook?? Mike was adopted on Monday!! He went to a family with 4 (!!) kids who are going to spoil him rotten and he will love it! We already got a brief update and he is fitting in like he has been there the entire time.

Thanks for reading and commenting on our year end reviews. It takes a while for it to be put together but we like going back and seeing everything from a year end perspective.

For those keeping count, we had 3 momma cats this year, 23 fosters total for the year - 8 female, 15 male. Which brought our total foster count to 321. We have 4 still available for adoption: Kilkenny and Marzen, along with Carling and Delphi.

Since we are headed into winter here in the mid-west, it may be a while until we have kittens again. Mom needs to clean up the foster room and get everything reset anyhow. And then again, sometimes you just never know what will pop up along the way.


  1. Mike is so cute, i'm not surprised he's been adopted. I'm still heart broken for wee Marzen. Is he still in the little compartment in the store? I really wish I could come and bring him back here. :(

    1. it actually is a double space that he and Kilkenny are occupying, so they have room to run around and be nuts. they are both still there but we are hoping their people show up soon

  2. Great news that Mike has been adopted. He is sure a cutie.You all have a great day.

  3. Mom said she gets all sad and stuffs if the kitties in stores aren't adopted quickly. She needs to learn to be forward looking and to be glad they are there and being cared for. Things don't happen instantly. I'll whisper to her about that.

  4. When I started thinking about adopting after Chucky passed, I looked on PetFinder a few times. I didn't memorize where the cats were located. Then, I stopped at my local pet store, and VOILA! There they were, but I hadn't planned it AT ALL. Da Boyz had been there a couple of weeks, and I adopted them that very day. So, time isn't the issue; it's if the cats are okay in the environment, and are getting the exposure needed. Mike is so cute, I want to eat him up! Bon Voyage to Mike.

  5. Mike is adorable. I am glad he has got his forever home.

  6. N ta add two thoz numberz; 984 paws UP 2 yur mom for everee thing her doez...

    happee gotcha day two ewe mike N all de verree best in yur new foreverz !!! ☺☺♥♥

  7. Good news about Mike. Is there another cat for Mike to have beat him up?

  8. Awesome news for Mike. Concats to his and his new family!

    Your fostering numbers are amazing, Jeanne. Thank you for all you do for so many kitties.

  9. some guys just like having their butt kicked :) and whoever ended up with him is very lucky


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