
Monday, November 19, 2018

weekend report

Almost a family portrait - Guinness decided he wanted to be somewhere else. From left to right: Peroni, Kilkenny, Balashi and Marzen.

Mom attached our Sheer Fun for Cats toy to a table by the window. Daiquiri likes to sleep on the bottom shelf behind the sheer. We are pretty sure she thinks she is invisible. Goldfish likes to hide under that bottom shelf when she gets scared by something.

a girl and her scratcher

It is a short week here in the US with Thanksgiving on Thursday. Mom is staying home again so we will have four days with her. She said she will be doing some paperwork for the rescue as well, so we will have to do our best to distract her.

Nothing too exciting here over the weekend. The kittens are on meds for a cold but mom is hoping at least the bigger boys are feeling better by the end of the week.


  1. Love the family portrait. That is terrific. But good to see everyone. Have a great day.

  2. What a great kitten portrait! We hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving.

  3. Those kittens are so darn cute. We hope they are feeling better soon.

    We don't see Daiquiri, MOL! Good hiding spot.

    Happy Thanksgiving efurrybody!

  4. I drape our Sheer Fun For Cats over the roller-ball toy, which makes Da Boyz play like crazy!

  5. I like all the lasers turned on in the first picture. They knew it was a special portrait.

  6. We love the almost-family portrait. How did you get them to stay still that long?

  7. So much cuteness!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  8. You are all just too cute in your family portrait. Daiquiri, we almost didn't see you. You must be invisible behind that sheer. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the rest of the time with mom while she is off. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  9. What a handsome tabby family ... umm ... I'll take all four (I WISH!).


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