
Monday, November 5, 2018

kittens at play

Everything is a toy....

That box is very popular. Balashi likes to hide in it, but he isn't the only one. 

 Kilkenny has found it too. The expression on Marzen's face is hilarious - like he just can't believe that idiot he has to claim as his brother.

 Kilkenny realized he could go trick or treating as a box of canned food, unfortunately it is past the holiday. Sorry buddy.

 Mom has learned to leave her phone face down when she is in the kitten room to avoid anyone waking it up and placing weird phone calls. However, she has a ring on the back of her phone and the kittens discovered it over the weekend. Marzen even tried to pick it up by the ring and carry it away.

Sapporo was leaning against mom's leg.
It made mom laugh as this is how Chanel sits too.

This our box lady - go away.


  1. these kittens are adorable and make me laugh. Thank you for fostering and giving them such love.

  2. Kilkenny, let's hope your foster mom remembers that cat-food-box-as-a-costume trick for next year's batch!

  3. Great picture. Nothing better than a box, especialy one you can carry around with you. Have a great day.

  4. OMC, the phone - those kittens are already little techies!

  5. All cats love boxes! Marzen's face really is priceless that he has to be associated with his brother. But it's OK, his brother probably feels that way about him sometimes, too. That's family for you. Just ask Newton and Cupcake.

  6. The wonder of childhood, whether human or feline...

  7. Those kittens mean business! Well, business for kittens anyway :)


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