
Friday, January 12, 2018

Random Fridays

It was nice while it warmed up for a couple of days and now back to cold and possible snow.

Looks like Sig has the right idea.

Mom has been sick most of the week and not online much so we apologize if we missed anything on your blogs.


  1. Our mom is sick too. This changing weather! We hope you feel better soon.

  2. It is furry cold here too -30C this morning. Mom bean is glad to have a day off work. We're just glad we never have to go to work. Stay warm efurrybody!

  3. After this cold snap, there will be warms again! And we are almost half-way through January...

  4. I hope your Mom feels better soon. After below freezing temperatures for the last 3 weeks, today I am wearing shorts because it's 60 out. Crazy weather.

  5. I'm still struggling to get over the flu that I got around Christmas. We hope you feel better soon! We know kitties are the best remedy to feel better.

  6. We’re sorry your mom’s not feeling well. We hope she’s better soon.

  7. oh UGH, we're SO sorry the mom's not feeling well. Ours got put on those injections that suppress your immune system and she got WHACKED for 2 weeks at the holidays with the flu.

    PLEASE tell her to take care ... this is NOT the kind of flu to take lightly ... or so she hears! Wishing her well VERY soon!

  8. I'm sorry the mom isn't feeling well. I hope you are doing better than Maxwell's mom..

  9. So sorry mom's not feeling well. It's funny- dad does apartment maintenance, and yesterday there were people with their heat on and other people with their air conditioners running! Crazy weather, indeed.

  10. Sure hope the Mom feels better soon. No fun at all being sick.

  11. We hope your mom feels better soon ! Purrs

  12. Sickness seems to be prevalent this winter. I hope it won't last long there.

  13. Sig, you are one smart (and cozy) kitty. Stay war, friends. And Mom, We sure hope you feel better soon. XO


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