
Friday, July 21, 2017

Random Fridays

There have been requests for a Romero update: he is doing well and while he is VERY bored in the crate, he is behaving for the most part. His eye was leaking a little bit last weekend and was swollen but that has cleared up as well. He has to wear the cone and be restricted for his own protection - even if he wouldn't actively try to mess with his eye, he could accidentally scratch it and pull out stitches and then we are right back where we started. He is managing to play some with the toys in his crate, though between figuring out his new vision limitations and wearing the cone, his accuracy leaves something to be desired (though he is fun to watch).

Mallard is being hilarious. He loves to wander over when mom is in the bathroom with them and just stare at her. Mom says she is beginning to get a complex. They are 5 weeks old today and have started showing some interest in the food Panache is eating. Mallard walked over the other day to her dish, sniffed it, back up, came up and sniffed again, put on his stranger danger suit and walked away. Of course mom didn't have her camera, but she laughed at him. Their teeth are starting to come in so Panache will more than likely start encouraging them to eat on their own more.

Chanel really is headed up to the adoption center today. Hopefully she will find her forever family over the weekend.

Romero gets his stitches out next Wednesday and there will be 2 boys going with him to the clinic to be neutered.


  1. Thanks for the Romero update. Glad he is doing so well. And having fun with his toy. Looks like he has learned how to deal with the darn cone. Have a fantastic Friday.

  2. It's good to see Romero having some fun, even stuck in the cage. Purrs to him for speedy healing and eventually his own wonderful forever home. Purrs to everyone else for the same--wonderful forever homes, in due course.

  3. Romero definitely took his frustrations out on that stuffie. Happy the cone is not stopping his activity. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  4. I bet the day those stitches come out will be a very happy day

  5. Romero will forget about his imprisonment within five minutes of being released! At least there won't be TV crews and 'Breaking News!' runners on everyone's TV's....:::snark:::

  6. Sweet Romero, you are adorable killing your stuffie in your cage. Fingers crossed for Chanel!

  7. Glad to hear that Romero is doing well! Loved the video of him <3

  8. Mallard sounds like a stitch!
    We're glad Romero is healing up.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  9. Sounds like everyone is coming along! I bet Romero will be happy to get rid of that cone.

  10. Romero is cute ... and I admire that he doesn't let anything keep him down! Mallard sounds like a character ... I'm sure he's fun to watch!

  11. Thanks for the update ! We're glad he's doing well. Purrs

  12. dood...we gived yur moovee 984 paws up N we iz buzzed happee ta lurn ya iz doin grate...few more dayz N ya can kill de cone !!! N all de best two ewe chanel; we hope ya findz yur forevers home two morrow ♥♥♥

  13. Thanks for the updates - purrs for all of them (and you).

  14. Glad Romero is having some fun even if he is stuck in da crate.

  15. We're hope Romero continues to do well and those stitches come out.

  16. Purrs to Romero, we hopes his eye heals soon so he can have his stitches out and play with his fursibs again.

    Good luck to Chanel and the boys to be neutered

  17. Romero...mommy and I send so much love to you. Everybody else too but we are stuck on you, precious boy.

  18. We hope Romero feels better soon!
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  19. We're so happy Romero's doing better. He sure is good at killing his toy!


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