
Monday, July 17, 2017


Romero is doing well. Mom feels bad as he keeps trying to take a bath and obviously has no success. She is going to try to give him some supervised time with the cone off. No swelling or anything else so it looks like he is healing up really well. Another 10 days to get the stitches out. With his coloring, mom suspects no one will notice the eye until they get close.

Tommy and Daiquiri are fascinated by the crate. Spud has slept on it as well. Daiquiri was more interested before mom moved the food dish further back into the crate where she can't reach it.


  1. Poor Romero. Rough thing for a little kitten to go through. Glad he is doing better. He is so lucky to have you taking care of him, Jeanne. Have a good day.

  2. Poor little guy - purrayers he heals quickly and can get back to his old self !

  3. I always feel bad for kitties wearing cones. Another blogging pal referred to it as the "cone of courage," which I like better than the more typical "cone of shame."

    1. we suspect in his case it is more the cone of frustration

  4. It must be very frustrating to wear a cone. At least he wants to keep himself groomed; that's a sign of health and good attitude.

  5. Aww, handsome Romero, we're still purring for you and our Mom is certain you will be as good-looking as ever!

  6. Poor lil' conehead! Reminds me of the story about a cat who got a glass jar stuck on his head, and what awful shape he was in after kind humans got him to a vet and they removed the jar! At least Romero can eat.

  7. Poor little guy ! We send him tons of healing purrs and hope he's healing well. Purrs

  8. Oh Honey...lots of soft smoochies for you and I am grateful you are healing up. Your mommy will take good care of you.

  9. The video you posted yesterday on FB was so adorable! Poor little guy :(

  10. Oh Romero! I feel for you, buddy. I remember having to wear that cone thingy. It was no fun. Hopefully, you'll get a little time off from wearing it. ~Ernie

  11. Poor little Romero. That cone thing is no fun, we know. Sending lots of healing purrs and prayers.

  12. Poor little lamp kitten! Would he try to bother the stitches? I suppose he needs that supervised off time to tell.. I've known a few one eyed kitties in my life, didn't seem to slow them down one bit! I suspect he'll be adorable, always looking like he's winking at everyone!

    1. mainly accidental contact if he goes to scratch...better safe than back to the v-e-t

  13. Aww, poor Romero. But that's the cutest lampshade I've ever seen.

  14. At least Romero has lots of company, even if they are on the outside. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  15. aww... no stealing the foods, that's mean!

    that last photo is awesome


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