
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

intruder alert

Since the looney kittens have tested negative and been vaccinated, mom decided that madam curious (aka Daiquiri) could come in for a visit....she won't be back. She ate their food, stole a toy and growled at them. RUDE

what is this??

may I boop your nose madam?

how about a sniff?

though her brother now seems interested

Roadrunner was the first to decide that the big girl kitty was not to be messed with. Coyote sniffed her, decided she wasn't that interesting and moved on.

In other news, Roadrunner has now decided that mom isn't going to eat her. Coyote has been SUPER friendly from day one coming over and asking for attention (which makes getting his picture a royal pain). Roadrunner, true to her name, would take off if mom moved or tried to pick her up. However, over the weekend she allowed mom to grab her and love on her...and was relaxing and enjoying it as well. She still won't come over and ASK for attention, but we suspect it is only a matter of time.


  1. Sometimes, being curious means that you get more than you bargained for, Daiquiri!

  2. How tiny the kittens are compared to Daiquiri.

  3. Too funny, Daiquiri is just training them not to mess with other cats that are bigger.

  4. The Roadrunner kitties are adorable.

  5. Now will Daiquiri not be back because she knows all the food is gone or because the mom won't let her?

    love the boop to the nose

    1. Daiquiri will not be back since mom doesn't want Roadrunner freaked out any more than she already is. Around here it is help or get out. :)

  6. Some cats only put up with so much kitten cute! That way around here and my kitten is 9 months old.

  7. Oh Daquiri. Kittens aren't fore every cat.

  8. Daquiri sure isn't the best hostest, is she??

    1. nope - she keeps thinking going into the foster room would be fun and is then reminded that is has kittens in it

  9. Aww ... the kittens are so precious! Though Daiquiri looks like she's thinking, "Yeah, yeah ... they're kittens ... what's the big deal?"


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