
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

well look at that

Mom went up to the rescue's adoption center on Saturday to get some pictures for a different blog post. She wandered through the intake side and then the adoption side and then headed home.

About 90 minutes later, her phone went off with a text "2 7 week old kittens. want them?" ummm - duh. :)  Mom headed right over and came home with these two:

They were kind of chatty on the ride home and freaked out when they were set loose in the foster room. The orange one is a boy and the brown is a girl. Definitely need some work on their social skills, though the boy is friendlier than his sister.

Here's the thing: apparently someone saw an online ad (you know those listings) for kittens being sold as...snake food. Yes - we are appalled that this is even a thing. But this is not the first group of kittens that the rescue has taken from ads like this. Maybe they are just saying that to get someone to feel sorry, but we aren't sure. Anyhow, some nice people "answered" the ad and took the kittens then asked the rescue to take them. Of course they did and now the kittens are safe with us. Serious or not, mom and her friends agree that the people placing the ad suck.
After some time, mom decided on names.....the orange boy is Coyote, his sister is Roadrunner. Meet the #looneykittens
While her brother has decided mom isn't so bad, Roadrunner is pretty sure mom is scary and avoids her for the moment. However, they are out and playing and having a good time - mostly when mom is not in there.

Yes....someone knows they are in there. No...he isn't allowed to play with them. 

Mom picked them up within an hour of them arriving at the rescue. They were dewormed and got flea meds and their first vaccine, but they need to be tested.


  1. Oh what fun, some new kittens to watch grow.That is awful about the ad. Good thing there are people that see those kind of things.

  2. What cuties! Our biped doesn't even have words for that ad, beyond "horrific" and "appalling". So glad these little ones are safe, whether or not the ad was true. Purrs to them.

  3. We can't even... the evilness of it. So we will talk about how excruciatingly cute these guys are, and may the blessings of love and safety be with them for their entire lives.

  4. How cute and I love the names. Some people make me so angry, but I'm glad these little ones were saved.

  5. They are such cuties. I had never heard of kittens being offered as snake food- that is so awful, people should go to jail for that.

  6. If you're on a highway and Road Runner goes beep beep.
    Just step aside or you might end up in a heap.
    Road Runner, Road Runner runs down the road all day.
    Even the coyote can't make him change his ways.

    Road Runner, the coyote's after you.
    Road Runner, if he catches you you're through.
    Road Runner, the coyote's after you.
    Road Runner, if he catches you you're through.

    That coyote is really a crazy clown,
    When will he learn that he never can mow him down?
    Poor little Road Runner never bothers anyone,
    Just runnin' down the road's his idea of having fun.

  7. That ad makes me SICK! How dare that sicko!? Anyway, sorry. I love the kittens. They are precious and thank you for taking them to foster. xx

  8. My human loves snakes but LOATHES people who run such ads - or would even consider doing such a thing. UGH. It really sickens her, in fact. So glad these guys are safe, whether the ad was serious or not.

  9. The Looney Kittens... Love it ! Purrs

  10. veree nice ta meet ewe coyote N roadrunner....we iz glad ya getted rescued then
    rescued again.... ♥♥♥

    we will zip R mouthz shut bout de ^(!_@@ &#%!@s that ran de ad sinz thiz iz knot R blog ~~~

  11. These two are adorable in every way. I'm so glad that you (and your rescue) were able to get these kitties to safety. It really stinks that people would place an ad like that.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  12. Coyote and the Roadrunner!!!!! We love it! And them! And .... snake food?!!?? OMG!!!!!!!! We're so thankful they're in your hands!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  13. What a couple of cuties! Thank cod they were saved from the snake.

  14. Phew, that was a close call Coyote and Roadrunner! We're happy that some nice beans saw the advert and rescued you.

    Paws crossed you'll find your furever homes soon.

  15. I cringe every time I see a hamster, guinea pig, or such going through the register and out the pet supply store. I know some of them will be snake food.


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