
Monday, January 16, 2017

weekend report

We got a little ice here this weekend so mom stayed in and did some chores around the house. Per normal, we stayed out of her way and napped.

While she was moving stuff around, she found a box that was closed. She opened it up and found this strawberry house that she had bought at an auction to support Paws to People which is a non profit started by our friends at the White Dog Army.

It was a little smaller than mom would have expected, but it appears to be perfectly Mozart sized. He has been in there pretty much non stop since Saturday.

Several others have tried to get inside, but other than Cassis, no one else really fits. We suspect Mo is probably pretty thrilled to have a house ALL his own.


  1. What a cool little house!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. That is a great little house and glad it is all yours Mo. You all have a great day.

  3. That's such a cute little strawberry house! How nice for Mozart that he has a place of his very own. :)

    Stay warm!

  4. That is pretty much like Astrid and the shark bed. We think your strawberry is very cute. Enjoy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy.

  5. The Mom loves to find things when her am cleaning too. Oh cool Mo gets his own bed and looks furry comfy too. -Katie Kitty Too

  6. And he looks wonderful too! All pleased with his new acquisition.

  7. I like that the other cats all came by to check it out. I'd be glad of my own spot, too, if I were Mozart. It's nice to have a spot of one's own.

  8. Looks like a cool house! Sophie and Caster are our "house" kitties around here. They love a closed in cuddly space for naps! Enjoy, Mozart!

  9. Small or large, our cats will try to get into it!

    1. oh others have TRIED to get in, but have been very unsuccessful

  10. I love that house! I bet I would fit in it.

  11. What a cute little strawberry house. Enjoy it Mozart!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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