
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

homewreckers part 2

Homewreckers R Us
Work Cheap 
Results May Vary

If you missed episode 1 - click here

Last week, Cassis and Daiquiri took it upon themselves to inspect and attempt to destroy the gingerbread house. Due to decent construction duct tape, their efforts were thwarted.

it would appear they have brought in reinforcements this time

but it looks like the new guy is taking a break already

supervisor cat is appalled by their behavior

supervisor cat says: must be this high to work on the windows

assistant cat lays down on the job 
while supervisor cat checks the door frame strength

if you want something done right, do it yourself

So far it looks like house 2, homewrecks 0. Stay tuned.


  1. Oh dear... purrhaps it's time for input from the kitteh blogosphere? Surely if we put our paws together we can figure out a way to get this homewreck DONE!

  2. Guys, Nicki is just about jumping out of his furs to come over and help you!!! :-D

  3. "Curses that duct tape!", yells the wrecking crew.

  4. I could come over and help!!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  5. Looks like it won't be long before that home is wrecked. They sure are trying hard except for all the breaks. Fun post.

  6. Clearly that Dandy Boy is a peacemaker more than a home wrecker!

    The Chans

  7. Too much cuteness!! Also, I have to give that house and the duct tape credit :)

  8. My human has tripped over ours a few times - she's our homewrecker!

  9. It looks like you need more helpful paws ! Purrs

  10. MOL! These two are so cute. I see that I'm not the only one with a kitty artist experiencing their deconstructionist period. :) You did a great job taping that gingerbread house together.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  11. we iz crackin UP ~~~~~~we think sooper vizor cat kneadz ta pay better wages ta de werkerz ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  12. MOL! That is one better built house. :)

  13. MOL! The demolition crew needs reinforcements.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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