
Thursday, October 20, 2016

new toy

Someone had given us a short scratcher a while ago and it never got put out. Really - too short for the adults here. Mom finally remembered it and put it in the foster room.
The brandy girls were the first to check it out. If you look closer at them, you will notice silver undertones to their black coats. Calvados is the short hair of the group and he has much larger silver markings. Mom is trying to get decent pictures, but they aren't cooperating. It will be interesting to see what happens as they get older.

Let the games begin - one girl on top defending her spot from the "Russell monster"

And....we have a winner. MOL

Mom put it in front of the doors and the kittens seem to be enjoying a different view of the balcony outside. Not sure how much scratching they are doing (and there are a couple of cardboard scratchers in the room as well), but they are having fun climbing it. 


  1. "And I plant this flag in honor of Queen and Country!"

  2. My bunch would like a scratching-post that short: I see them stretching almost horizontally to scratch at almost ground-level but on a post six feet high. The most worn spots are only six inches off the floor.

  3. It looks as though they love climbing up the scratcher.

  4. Looks like they're havin a lotta fun!

  5. That is a REALLY short scratcher! It's perfect for the kittens, though.

  6. What a fun new toy for them. They can take turns being the king of the castle. Too cute.

  7. It looks like that mini-scratcher is a lot of fun for the kittens ! Purrs

  8. my kittens all love to play king of the mountain on my scratcher that is that tall

  9. hay ewe wee onez...yur scratcherz total lee awesum....yur mom had sum ee ezz pea when her buyed it... coz her CAN uze it now !!! kewl huh ☺☺☺

    we bee out til monday sew heerz two a deep sea smelt kinda week oh end ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  10. Beautiful kitties! Thanks for sharing with us! :)

  11. Playing Queen of the Scratch looks like TONS of fun!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  12. That scratcher is purrfect for the kittens.

  13. Scratcher, climber, it's all the same to kittens! Looks like a hit!

  14. Looks like they conquered that scratcher in no time!


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