
Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Wow - we have been blogging for 7 years now.....pretty amazing. We have seen lots of animal friends come and go....lots of happy and some sad along the way. But we LOVE being a part of this blogging community and we are so happy you are our friends!!

Some quick stats for those of you that find that interesting: this is post 1,781. We have had over 450,000 page views. Most of our traffic comes from facebook and our friends at Love and Hisses.(thanks Miz Robyn) Our audience is mainly from the US and then from Germany. And we have fostered 252 kittens to date.

Thanks for helping us celebrate this milestone and for coming along on our journey!!!



Mozart and Ivy

Tommy and foster kitten Bug

Junior (as a little guy)

Angel Maestro

Tommy (poor guy)

Daiquiri (and foster kitten Nashville)

Daiquiri and Angel Tim


  1. Happy Blogversary! Congrats on all your success and fostering so many kittens!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! 252 kittens fostered - that's a huge accomplishment of patience and love! Awesome.

  3. Happy blogoversary! We wish you another 7 years and more, and many more years of successful fostering. Kudos to you for all your hard work, dedication and love!

  4. Happy Blog'o'versary guys - here's to another 7 years of pawesomeness!!!


    Basil & Co xox

  5. Happy Blogoversary! We're rather new here, but you've quickly become one of our favorites!

  6. Congratulations on your Blogoversary and thank you for caring for all those kittens who needed to be fostered.

  7. Happy Blogoversary! Cake for everyone.

  8. Happy Blogoversary to you! 7 years is a huge feat! Many many more happy years to come blogging we hope! AND lots more foster kitties!!!!

  9. Wow, seven years, that is a long time. Congrats to you. What fun to see everyone. Oh Tommy, you just had to wear that head gear didn't you. We so appreciate all that you Mom does to help all the homeless kitties. Have a great day.

  10. Yay! Love your blog, and glad to have found you. Happy Blogoversary!

  11. Wow, what an achievement. Well done. I love the picture of Tommy and Bug; I didn't think they came that small! And it's interesting that Germany provides the second greatest number of your readers.

  12. Aw, love all the kitty photos. Such a handsome family. Happy blogoversary!

  13. Happy Blogoversary!! Here's to another 7 years and many more.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  14. Happy blogoversary! And paws up for fostering all those kittens!

  15. Happy Blogoversary!! We're so glad you're around! We love you guys!!!!

  16. CONGA RATZ GUYS ON YUR 700TH ANNIE FURSARRY !!!! YAY !!! yur statz R awesum...252 fosterz iz mega way soooper total lee grate !!! hope mom getz everee one 252 peaces oh perch ta sell a brate bye two day ☺☺☺♥♥♥ heerz two de next 700 !!!

  17. Happy Blogoversary! Thank you for bringing us so much joy and great photos that make our day!

  18. Happy Blogoversary ! Concatulations on fostering all those kittens and on helping all those kitties ! Purrs

  19. Happy Blogaversary you loving dear woman. Thank you for being all that you are. You make me proud to know you.

  20. Concats on this monumental accomplishment. Seven years blogging is pretty amazing, but what deserves huge kudos is fostering 252 kittens. You are amazing and so generous and caring. Keep up the good work! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  21. Happy Happy 7!!!!!!!! I think we hit 7 this October...(I lost track of the years in the blur lmao) catchatwithcarenandcody

  22. That's awesome, kit-cat pals! Happy Blogoversary!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  23. Happy Blogoversary! This is an achievement to be proud of and you are. I'm sure you're just as proud of the foster kittens and they are an achievement to be proud of too. Thank you.

  24. Happy Blogoversary! We love you guys!

  25. Happy Blogaversary! You kitties are some of the first mom bean found for us a few years ago. We're so glad she did.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  26. Happy blogoversary, dear pals! We are so glad you started blogging seven years ago, and that you have stuck with it. Your blog rocks, and you guys rock even more! 252 fosters? Wowzers!

  27. Happy 7th Blogversary! That is wonderful!


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