
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Solid Gold food review - #ChewyInfluencer

We are part of the Chewy Influencer Group and receive no monetary compensation for our reviews. All opinions are our own. We did receive the food for free but it did not influence our honest opinion. 

Oh look - our first volunteer

This time we got the Sunrise Delight flavor of canned food to try from Solid Gold. At the rate the kittens are beginning to eat (especially that big guy above), mom was more than happy to add this to their rotation.

Come on lady, hurry up

Mom likes that it is grain free. And this variety is chicken, duck and pumpkin for those that are avoiding fish.

Crack a can of food and that momma cat will appear.


That being said, Amaryllis has made it clear on more than one occasion that she won't eat just anything. She sniffed this, tried a bite and walked away. (actually she walked over to mom to try to demand something different for dinner)

However, Dandelion and Muscari - the two kittens who are regularly eating canned food (Trillium and Orchid seem to prefer the dry) - LOVE this stuff. It was gone pretty darned quick.

Thanks to Chewy for giving us a chance to try this out on our current tiny taste testers. Of those willing to try it, this got 2 out of 3 paws up. And Daiquiri said from the other side of the door that she would be happy to try some too, but no such luck. MOL

Remember all orders over $49 gets free shipping. And we use their auto ship for our regular food as well.


  1. How nice that you have cats testers to try the new flavours.

  2. Chicken, duck and pumpkin - I think my kitties would like that blend. Thanks for the review! Glad the kittens yummed it up!

  3. Look at those widdle cans! Wish I could order in big 12 oz or 16 oz cans, with so many cats to feed.

  4. Solid Gold sounds like a yummy cat food! The kittens look like they really enjoy it. :) Pumpkin is a great supplement.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  5. That looks like good stuff. We're always looking for good food to add to our rotation.

  6. Cute review, it sounds like a good food.


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