
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

new habit

Mom bought a doorstop the other day to keep the bedroom door open at night. Daiquiri has taken to closing the doors at night for some unknown reason. Which was fine until at 4am on Friday the door SLAMMED shut and scared the heck out of the mom. So now there are doorstops.....

Another thing Daiquiri has taken to doing is running in the bedroom at night when the door opens, jumping up on this dresser and staring into the TV. Now....this TV doesn't work - it isn't plugged in cause mom doesn't want to pay to have the cable run in the bedroom. The first few times Daiquiri did this, we couldn't figure out what she was staring at up there. Her own private imaginary TV show???  Aliens??? Who knows.....

Then mom figured it out. With the light on the night stand turned on, Daiquiri must be seeing the room reflected in the TV screen. This would include whatever mom is doing and the ceiling fan moving around.

It can't be all that interesting, but she sits up there for quite a while and stares into the TV. 


  1. Well, you can't say Daiquiri doesn't have personality plus! LOL.

  2. Daiquiri, have you been sharing your door slamming with my kitties? I also had to buy a doorstop, cat themed of course!

  3. What a character! Are you sure she's not looking at her own reflection? She might think she's the most beautiful kitty in the room! She might be right!

  4. Oh, we kittehs always do our own thing for our own reasons. Sometimes it's just to confound the moms.

  5. I vote for aliens, yep, aliens inside the TV! Cats can see aliens all of the time, while humans rarely do...

  6. We cats can see things that humans can't! Besides, it's fun to confuse the humans. ;)

  7. Cats are entertained so easily! :) Daiquiri sounds like a fun cat to have around.

  8. Daiquiri, you are quite the character. Could she be looking at her own reflection and thinks it is a new friend???

  9. daiquiri...that red dot lazer lite sure doez knot moove veree fast
    at all... doez it....... ♥♥♥

  10. Maybe she's communicating with kitty aliens!

  11. Maybe it's her own refleckshun she's lookin at.

  12. The things cats will do! She's obviously seeing something interesting.

  13. Don't you love it when cats develop new habits so abruptly? And what Daiquiri sees on tv is probably better than what most humans watch.

  14. Of course, she sees herself as well and is admiring her beauty. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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