
Monday, July 20, 2015

weekend report

Not much going on here this weekend. Laundry, the evil dyson....and TNR kittens all over the living room.

We could use some purrs for the spice kittens. As mom says, they are a hot mess. Mom has given them a couple of meds, but they have the runs in a bad way. Once everything gets cleared up, they are so getting a bath. Mom cleaned the bathroom once but it is still kinda messy. Not sure what is up with them, but we are working on it.

Nashville on the move

Topeka - checking out the living room

Nashville checking out London

London goes tomorrow to be neutered. His snot cleared up pretty quick this time.
He will come back here Tuesday night and then to the adoption center on Wednesday.

We're pretty sure Ivy didn't know Reno was that close.


  1. Sure hope the spice kittens get better soon.That Topeka is going to be one good looking cat. He is so cute. You all have a great day.

  2. We hope the spice kittens improve and stop doing evil poohs soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. It's good that London isn't as snotty, but he clearly still likes snoozing on the edge of the enclosed bed. I hope the other kittens improve quickly.

  4. Purring for the babies to get well!

  5. Lots of purrs to the spice kittens, we hope things get sorted out soon and they're on their way to good health!

  6. Purrs to the spicy ones, both now and during baff time!

  7. I hope the spice kitties feel better soon! There is nothing worse than tummy troubles. Prayers and purrs are on the way. Adorable photos!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  8. We hope those spice kitties feel better soon. Sounds like they're pretty messy right now, and that's got to be keeping your human busy! You have so many kitties coming through the house right now, it's amazing you can keep track of them all!

  9. We're kind of partial to Topeka, what with the Kansas thing and all. But that shot of Nashville checking on London is just TOO CUTE!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  10. Aw, poor kitties. We're purring that things get better with them real soon.

  11. We hope the spice kittens get better soon. Purrs

  12. hay ewe wee onez....therz thiz reel lee kewl dood we noe that ya mite knot a hurd of yet...him iz like de patron saint two all kewl iz THAT...but anyway, him all sew haz manee blessings; good stuff, sew we will ask him ta send manee blessings yur way...♥♥♥


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