
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

new tower

Mom bought the playpen several years ago and it certainly served a great purpose. However, it is an odd shape, takes up a serious amount of space and it kind of hard to clean. So mom decided it was time to upgrade. She found a 2 story tower (and bought it using Amazon Smile so part of the money goes back to the rescue too...heehee) and decided to bite the bullet. It wasn't cheap, but for the amount of use it will get, mom decided the cost was worth it. Of course, once it was delivered, she had to get it UP the stairs....

Topeka is the assembly inspector

It took mom probably longer than normal to get it together. Due to the construction, it would have gone together much easier with two people - you stand up a wall, connect the front and back and the hope nothing comes undone. It did - a couple of times before mom managed to get it to stay together long enough to get up the second wall.  :) The shelves were included and so was the puffy bed.

Mom bought the hammock separate. Right now it is attached to the ceiling of the tower, but she is thinking about moving it a little lower. You can't see the doors, but there are double doors at the top and the bottom making it much easier to get in to clean and everything else. Tim has discovered he can stick his paw in to steal food, so mom is going to try to devise a way to block the sides of the tower so he can't get access.

Daiquiri has discovered she can get up on top. Mom says she may consider getting a flat bed or something to put up there to keep toes from going through the bars.

Mom was looking at the tower and realized that the kittens may not be able to get all the way up. After seeing baskets attached to the cage over at The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee, mom decided to borrow the idea. We haven't seen the kittens in the baskets yet, but it gives them an added step. She got the baskets cheap and they are just zip tied to the back of the tower.

It has been a hit. The kittens have figured it out. Yesterday morning mom got up to find Topeka sleeping on the shelf with the bed, so they can get all the way up there.


  1. That is terrific. It gives them a place that they can climb right up What a great idea. What fun to watch them try everything out They are going to enjoy that. Have a great day.

  2. Wow that's awesome! They're gonna have fun in that! Smarty pants Tim! MOL!
    I don't know what happened, but in my blog roll, your blog stopped showing up when you posted new ones. It's been weeks! Today it was back and I realized how much I missed! I'll be catching up

  3. Holy cod, that's awesome! Definitely worth money, and very nicely furnished too! :-)

  4. Very neat! A great idea for sure. Love all the additions - the hammock and baskets. A cute and functional kitty play pen!

  5. What a great kitty lounge! It was worth the money :)

  6. What a cool enclosure! It's like deluxe accommodations for the kittens.

  7. that's similar to the cage that Cody was in when he was adopted. Love it!

  8. That looks like a fun playpen!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  9. guys....high paws two yur mom...that cat condo iz awesum.....ENJOY everee one.... N we haza pea ess for de cat condo.... did ya dee side ta leep up two de shelf on de wall ~~~~ we see sum kewl stuff ta knock off & on two de floor !! ♥♥♥

  10. Now that's what I call a very cool tower!
    Have a super duper week...

    Noodle and crew

  11. That's really nice! We have a big kennel from when Ashton was an injured kitten, and Newton loved getting on top, too. The head peep found that just doubling over a towel up there was enough to help keep him from dangling his feet through as he stared down at Ashton waiting for her to come out and play.

  12. Pawsome cage kitties! That's going to furry entertaining for efurryone...especially if you big ones can get to the food, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  13. Wow! What a cool cage/tower. Even we wouldn't mind being locked in there.

  14. I also found that if you put all three perches on the same level you basically make two condos if you find yourself wanting to isolate two sets of kittens..


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