
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mozart's Gotcha Day

Our house panther has been with us for 8 years. Hard to believe it has been that long some times. For those who weren't following us then, Mozart came to us as a foster kitten with his orange tabby brother Picasso. Both went back to the shelter to be adopted, but Mo got a cold and came back to the house. His eye infection got so bad that in fact he has a corneal scar on his left eye. It doesn't seem to bother him and if it affects his vision, you can't tell anymore. But at the shelter he was a 6 month old black male cat with "special needs". Plus he hated being there and was being a bit of strangers and some staff.  MOL

Mo LOVES mom. He is all over her a good deal of the time and would sleep on top of her if she would let him. And he has a mild obsession with chewing on her hair (she doesn't allow that either).

While he is great with people and most of us here, he certainly has his cranky moments....normally at the v-e-t. And while mom doesn't blame him for that, he has to be reminded that he isn't allowed to bite people either. He also grumbles about getting his nails trimmed and certainly has no use for foster kittens.

But we love him anyway.


Someone made the comment to mom that maybe Mo will mellow with age. Mom is afraid he is already a grumpy old man and is going to get worse. hahaha


  1. Happy Gotcha Day Mozart!!!!!!!

    (PeeS from Socks) There is nothing wrong with being a grumpy old man.

  2. Happy Gotcha Day, Mozart! You're not a grumpy old man, you just have lots of personality. :-D

  3. Oh Mo we all have different personalities and that is what makes cats so wonderful. You just mever know what we are going to do. Happy Gotcha day to you Mo

  4. They'll do anything to stay with us won't they? Happy day!

  5. Happy Happy Gotcha Day Mozart!!! Loved your story!

  6. Happy Gotcha Dare a little gruay Mo!!!! What a pretty panther you are, even if you are a little grumpy.

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Mozart.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mozart, such a handsome kitty! Happy Day to you, although too bad you had a sick way back when

  10. Happy gotcha Day Mozart! YOU sure are one handsome panfur!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Mozart! Every home needs a no-nonsense kitty to keep everyone in line :)

  12. Happy gotcha day Mozart!!! We hope you have a great day and no one provokes you into biting them, because, we know, it's THEIR fault if they bug you and you wind up HAVING to bite them! ;)

  13. Happy Gotcha Day, Mozart! You sound like very special kitty:-)

  14. Happy gotcha day, handsome Mozart! We think you ended up in the most purrfect forever home ever. :)

  15. dood....a veree happee gotcha day two best oh fishes, happee day wishes & mice creem dishes ♫♪♫♪♫...hope yur day iz fun fun fun !!! heerz two another 88...heerz ta grumpee nezz when ya haz grumpee nezz upon yur self; heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥

  16. Happiest Gotcha Day dear Mozart. You are a very lucky mancat and I know you know that. xxooxx

  17. Happy Gotcha Day, Big Mo!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  18. Happy Gotcha Day, Mozart ! We wish you a wonderful day ! Purrs

  19. Happy gotcha day, Mozart! We hope it's a wonderful day full of all of the things you love best... and as few pesky foster kittens as possible!

  20. Mo, dood - Happy HAPPY Gotcha Day!!

  21. Oh cool! Happy gotcha. You knew right where you belonged. I have a black male special needs 10 month old kitten.He is a Momma's boy. Hate to tell you Mo, but my house panther is allowed to chew on my hair, climb all over me, and sleep on my head or anywhere else on my body. Couldn't imagine my life without him. so keep trying to get a good chew on, or at the very least sleep on your momma.

  22. Happiest of Gtcha Days to you Motzart!!

  23. Happy Gotcha Day Mo! We is sure glad you got gotcha'd by your mom. You knew where you were meant to be!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  24. Sorry I'm late. Happy Gotcha Day Mozart!!!


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