
Friday, November 21, 2014

Random Fridays

In addition to the gingerbread house, mom bought some snowflakes to put on the window. So far we have lost 3 - Mo took two down and one fell off cause the window is so cold.

Our friends at the White Dog Diary are part of a charity call Paws to People ... set up charitable funding to help find cures for cancer in pets along with other diseases through comparative studies as to how diseases effect everyone - people and pets. They have an auction going right now on their facebook page (click here) - you need to like the page so they can contact you if you win. The click on an item you want to bid on and leave a note. We have bids on a couple of things.

Our friend Miss Andrea of Celestial Kitties - mom to Leo, Glitter and Cashmere, is having another FUNdraiser to help Miss Chrystal and the kitties of Winnie's Wish. This year it is beds and they look awesome!!

We've had some questions about the "magic" microchips. Here's the deal - Tim, Tom and Mo were not microchipped when they were adopted. Some time after that, a local vet with the university here was doing a study on cat collars (you can read the study here). As part of the study, the boys had to wear collars for 6 months and were microchipped for free. No one said anything about them taking temps. The first time our mobile vet came, she scanned one of the boys and couldn't figure out why the number was flicking back and forth...then realized one was the chip number and the other was a temp for the cat. How cool???  Only, she said later she checked with the chip company and they claim to have no idea and don't market the chips that way..... which sounds weird to us. In case you want to check, the boys all have Home Again microchips.


  1. That's really interesting about the microchips. You would think the company would look into that and see why their chips are taking temps.

    1. not to mention market it that way - think how many vets would be excited to take temps that way!!

  2. I think they should market their chips that way.. cause darn it I'd get them if they did.. I'd even buy a reader.. think of all the money they could make..

    1. good point about the reader....we don't get it either....

  3. Good to know about the chips. Do stop by our auction for Georgie!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  4. Thanks so much for the reminder. We ran right over to donate
    Love the house too

  5. We're fascinated by your snowflakes. Sounds like you are too! Purrs....

  6. Way to go, Mo!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. Wow, that is so interesting about the Home Again microchips! Gracie and Zoe have those.

  8. Those sound great, 2 of my cats came with microchips, I need to see what kind they are.

  9. Very interesting about the chips. That auction looks great. What an interesting way to do it. Have a great Saturday.

  10. Happy Gotcha Day to Maestro!!!!!

    That is cool about the magic microchips.

  11. FASCINATING. Ours aren't home again - oh well....

  12. So weird about the temps not knowing what they were doing.


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