
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

a new basket

At BarkWorld, Miss Amy from Sebastian's blog won a prize. It was in a nice basket, but Miss Amy was flying, so she gave the basket to mom. Mom brought it home and put a blanket in it for the kittens. umm....yeah, about that.....

Mo checks it out first to be sure it is OK
snoopervised by Daiquiri and Kahlua

Sangria and Stoli come over to check it out

Uncle Tim supervises

 Stoli making the first entry attempt

entry fail....

Stoli climbed in and it flipped - no one has been in it since. MOL  Mom says she wants to find a smaller blanket to put in and see if the kittens will sleep in it then.


  1. Oh, no, now it's a kitten-eating monster basket. LOL.

  2. THe kittens are adorable. I love the stripes on one of them and the big spots on the mom.

    1. we think the kitten you mean is Daiquiri. The big one with the stripy spots is our permanent resident Tim....

  3. What lovely kittens - we hope Stoli will forget his oops and try the basket again.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. MOL, well it's a nice basket either way! I bet they have fun in it standing up or on it's side!

  5. Look at those tiny creatures! Considering the basket is twice their size, having it flip over can be quite a frightening event. Imagine getting into bed and having the mattress throw you out again.

  6. MOL. We bet if your human sprinkles some catnip in there, you will all want to be in it!

  7. That looks like a cool basket. The kittens are probably too young to realize it won't eat them.

  8. Poor kittens! How sad that it tipped over on them. Maybe they'll give it another try if you take it away for now, and re-introduce it in a week or so?

  9. guys...tell mom ta leeve de baskit on itz side...manee moonz ago, thatz how gram paw dude sleeped in hiz baskit.... !! ♥

  10. Lovely ! We hope Stoli is not afraid ! Purrs

  11. I was going to say the same as the TT Tabbies. Maybe they would prefer the basket on it's side.

  12. That scary basket is going to eat them now! Maybe the next batch of fosters will be interested in it if it was weighed down or secured from tipping.

  13. The basket makes a better toy than sleeping spot, huh guys? MOL!

  14. That's a cool basket...we hope the kittens discover it again.


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