
Thursday, January 9, 2014

so after yesterday....

We have exciting news!!!

Chex went home last night.  :)  The Petco store will call and then fax the applications if mom is at work (otherwise she just picks them up). They faxed it over yesterday and she had enough time to check out the things she needs to check. Then she called the lady and they talked about the current animals in the house and about Chex. And as of 6pm last night.....our boy is in his new home. He will share it with 2 mom, a couple of older dogs and another male kitty about a year old (S says that Chex looks just like has visions of the second coming of the blues brothers).

Congrats big guy......
Oh....and mom put one of the Petco clerks to a challenge....see Christian suggested to one of his friends to adopt Maverick. Then he was the one to work with this couple on adopting Chex. So mom said his next challenge is to get Licorice adopted - and he will get a prize (mom isn't sure what prize he would get, but she will do something).


  1. Hurrah for Chex! We hope the transition and integration is smooth.

    Now paws crossed for Licorice!

  2. Oh I am, as always enchanted with their dearness. xoxox

  3. Yay for Chex! We'll be purring for Licorice to be the next up to be adopted. :)

  4. We are so happy for Chex and hope he will settle in very quickly and have a wonderful life.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. What a cutie Chex is. I'm sure he'll waste no time putting things the way he wants them in his new home. Good for him!

  6. Yay for Chex! We hope he'll be happy in his new home.

  7. Paws up for Chex! And paws crossed for Licorice - she really deserves a GREAT home after all this waiting.

  8. all de best two ewe chex in yur new for evers home...we wish ewe manee happee gotcha yeerz a head N licorice....we reeeeeeeeeeeely hope ewe finds yur for evers home by month end...we noe itz been a crazee few for ya...XXXX

  9. We're happy for Chex ! Enjoy your new home buddy ! Purrs

  10. he looks so darn proud of himself in that second photo..

    1. this may have been the point where he and his siblings were contemplating their escape from baby jail :)

  11. We are so happy to hear cute Chex has a new home !
    He is such a sweetie ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

    Thank you for your kind thoughts and purrs
    when our Tiger crossed the Bridge.
    She was a sweet kitty .

  12. Yay for Chex! Hope the challenge gets at least one more adoption!

  13. Hooray, Chex! We love the idea of his being half of the second coming of the blues brothers.

  14. Concats to Chex! We`ll keep purring for Licorice and hopefully the prize will help too, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  15. Yay fur Chex! And he is just so adorable! Me-Ommmmm

  16. Chex, you are just so cute. Sure glad you found a nice new home. Glad it all worked out for you. Hope all have a great week end.

  17. Concats to Chex. That would be so pawsome if this clerk is up to the challenge of finding Licorice a home. Paws crossed. Depending on the age of a clerk…you can't go wrong with an Amazon gift card. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. What a face!! I just want to cuddle him. So glad he has a good home!


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