
Friday, August 23, 2013

Random Fridays

Elwood on TOP of the carrier guarding Tim.

Licorice - out and about

Well, mom goofed. Miss Mandy will go home tomorrow. The family is having company tonight and mom is helping the rescue at an event (and taking Stella) so tomorrow worked out better.

Licorice is now out and about more often. She does hiss and growl when anyone come near her though, so we gotta work on that. And she is still kinda itchy. Mom keeps saying she was going to get some coconut oil and we are going to get her a little more motivated this weekend.

And now for some purrs please.....  Remember Ebright from Tuesday? Well, Miss Beckie had to move him to her house. He is in a room with a couple of other cats, so he might be OK living with older sedate cats in a home. But.....he surely misses his mom. Miss Beckie said she fed him before picking him up and he ate. But she is having to force feed him at her house. And when he runs out of the room, he runs down the hall to the last door on the left - cause in his house that was his mom's bedroom. Miss Beckie says he walks into the room and is just confused because it isn't what he was expecting.  And Miss Beckie's dog Casey is having major surgery today too..... like Miss Beckie needs one more thing.

We hope you all have a nice weekend. It is cooler here in the evenings, so mom leaves the windows down during the day but opens them later.


  1. Awww, purrs for Ebright and Casey and Miss Beckie too, whose stress-o-meter must be quite high right now!

  2. Poor Ebright. That's sad that he expects to find his mum in the room, but is disappointed. It's hard for animals because they can't have things explained to them. The poor fellow.

  3. Purrs and hugs to Miss Beckie and sweet Casey and lovely Ebright! Take care

  4. I feel bad for Ebright - he's clearly missing his human. Sometimes it's hard for kitties to get used to new situations.

  5. That is great about Licorice being out a lot.
    We sure hope Ebright settles down a little bit,poor things. It must be so hard on cats to have to adjust so much.
    Take care.

  6. Poor Ebright. It's very sad for him.

  7. Poor Ebright. Hopefully he'll adjust to the new environment soon. It must be so stressful for everyone involved. Purring for Miss Beckie and Casey too!

  8. everee one iz lookin good N shirley we can send sum oh St Francis's blessing two ebright...dood...we iz trooly sorree yur life haz turned upside left which a wayz....we noe ewe iz missin yur mom...spesh a lee havin been thru de cruds bee for livin with her...

    N licorice, if yur mom getz ya sum coconut oil, small hint ree minder :) we think it will help...we use it all de time

    hay, hope everee one haza grate week oh end ; eat plentee oh SOLE :)!!!

  9. Poor Ebright, it must be so confusing for him. I hope he is adopted soon and can settle in with a loving family.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Poor Elbright. That must be really disorienting for him. We hope that he comes around and starts eating on his own.

  11. We're definitely purring and praying for Ebright, and for Miss Beckie and Casey, too.

    Way to go, Licorice. We sure hope that coconut oil works on your itchies...

  12. Purrrrrrrss to Ebright, Casey and Miss Beckie. We hope they all get a chance to relax and recover a little over the weekend.

  13. Oh poor, Ebright. We're purring for him and hope things get better. And we hope Licorice becomes less hissy.

  14. Sweet Ebright. Things are so confusing for him right now but he will begin to understand eventually. Sending comforting purrs....

  15. Licorice makes a beautiful lamp! MOL
    Sending lots of purrs!

  16. Licorice is such a gorgeous kitty!
    Play bows,


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