
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A new product we want you to see....

Back in April mom went to the Pet Expo here in town and met a lady with a new idea for a litter box. She was calling it Litter One and mom thought it was a great idea....order it online and the whole thing comes in the mail. is biodegradable so when you are "done" it gets closed up thrown out.

Then at Blog Paws mom met a nice lady named Amanda who works for the company doing the advertising for Litter One. She offered mom a free sample for a review and we said sure..... 

As you can see, the box was a big hit. defense of the company, we got this pretty quickly in the mail after Blog Paws. However, with sick kittens (who were going to be the test subjects, but honestly that was a mess no one wanted), it just didn't get set up. So with Licorice now in the bathroom, mom decided to make her the test subject.
This box was in the other box. :) 
Mom opened it up (see below) to find the scoop and bags.
But how does it get set up?

Hey mom - read the directions on the back....sheesh

So here it is in the bathroom. Licorice seems to be ok with it. Mom did cut down the side on the right so that Licorice can use it in this space (the opening to get in and out is on the front) but otherwise it is a good size. It did smell kind of "piney" when mom first opened everything up, but that faded pretty quickly. And once mom read the directions, it was easy to set up too. Just fold, bend, tuck and that was it.  :)

Now, we will say this....when mom first heard about it at the Expo, she was pretty excited thinking this would work for transports. It won' way will it fit in a travel crate.

However, if you are traveling in a car with cats or maybe in an RV for the summer....this would be ideal. And honestly, for the price, if you have 1 or 2 cats, this would be great. Mom is pretty sure the economics would win at some point with all of us since we have 7 cats here. MOL

Now, if you are interested, the company did give us an afiliate link for you to use with our code of JK12671. We don't get anything but you can get $5 off your purchase.

All in all, we like the idea. Mom says it would have been ideal for traveling to Blog Paws with Triscuit too - just carry the box upstairs and close it up after the conference. It says it should last 4-6 weeks...since Licorice is the only one using hers, we will let you know about that part. Mom says that if they could make one about 1/2 this size, it would absolutely be great for transports.

*we didn't get compensated for our review other than the free litter box to try. all opinions are our own (ok - the opinions in this case actually belong to mom, but whatever)


  1. That is a really good idea. We use newspaper pellets and once, Mommy tried to change it to pine pellets and boy oh boy did Ling protest. How? By peeing on Whisky's bed. MOL. Needless to say, we are back with the newspaper pellets.

  2. Interesting and thanks for sharing the info!!

  3. That does look like a good idea except for one thing. Maggie would love to shred it. She loves to scratch and scratch when she uses the facilities. Will be interested to see how it lasts. Take care.

  4. Oh YES! What a great idea and I too would shred it. I also am a power scratcher. xox

  5. How does cardboard stand up to misdirected pee? Does the bottom get soggy at all?

  6. That would have been just the thing when we moved cross-country!

  7. Looks like a great idea for a small cat family as you say or for kittens and travel!!!

  8. It would seem handy for traveling with a cat, especially, as you mentioned, if they make smaller sizes.

  9. Pretty spiffy although Sherpa is a cardboard muncher so I would worry about that...

  10. This looks like a great idea, but we are not so sure it wouldn't walk to the trash can on its own after 6 weeks. A smaller one would be brilliant too

    Gerry & Mungo

  11. thanx licorice N mom for de ree view...we haz hurd oh theese bee for N all ways wundered how well they worked....hope ewe R feelin better two day :) !!~~~~~~~~~

  12. Great review! Good call on not being able to fit in a travel crate. Maybe that feedback will go toward some changes and that sounds like it would make it a complete win! Purrs...

  13. With eight of us, we're sure that 4 to 6 weeks would be about one week. We don't understand how the cardboard container does not get wet and soggy. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty may, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  14. I prefer to sleep in cardboard. Me-Ommmmm

  15. We have one to try out too! The concept sounds great... we shall see how it works here.

  16. Mom says we tend to miss the box so she wonders what would happen to the cardboard when the pee sprays. (Was that too much of a visual?)

    It will be interesting to see if it lasts as long as the advertising says.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  17. That's pretty cool! We'll have to tell our other kit-cat pals about it!
    Play bows,


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