
Thursday, December 27, 2012

That Emma....

So Mom was away for Catmas....the petsitter lady came over everyday to take care of us and play. However, mom got worried on the plan ride to Florida that Emma might have some problems with only getting canned food once per day. So she called the petsitter lady and asked if she could come over twice per day to make sure Emma got canned food at least that often.

Well, turns out the petsitter lady volunteered to take Emma home with her (and was quite smitten with her). Emma came back last night and was met by everyone. Mom swears she is twice as big as she was when mom left.

And then Bourbon got his paws on her.....

It was every kitten for themselves......


  1. Wow...Emma sure has changed. She's one beautiful kitty. I think Bourbon thinks so too!

  2. That Emma is ADORABLE! So good of Bourbon to clean her up after her adventures... purrs

  3. Don't move, Emma! I've gotta give you a good bath to get rid of the petsitter's scent! MOL.

    Love the video!

  4. yeah, I was kinda hoping the petsitter was going to refuse to return Emma :)

    Glad you are home safe and everyone is doing well..

  5. Are you sure Bourbon didn't want an Emmatizer?

  6. Oh my.... I love this little meow!!!!

  7. Well, that video certainly made me and Binga sit up and take notice! My human thinks Emma is very cute!

  8. knot ta worree emma...sum day ewe will bee even BIGGER.... N then bourbon will think twice bout runnin sum bath waterz :)

  9. Emma is just adorable! Give Emma a little time to grow and she'll hold her own with Bourbon. I'm surprised there wasn't some hissing and avoidance. That's what mine do when the other one has been away.

  10. She is sooooooo cute, I would give her my food too!

  11. Like most children, she doesn't want her bath... Bourbon evidently knows that one is needed, nonetheless.

  12. Goodness, Emma is so so cute. Tell that Bourbon to get off of you. Don't worry you will be able to knock him around really soon. Take care.

  13. Oh my. Who wouldn't be smitten with her?? She's just precious. I don't think she liked her bath, though. MOL.

  14. We love the bath video, or was Bourb trying to eat Emma? All those squeals...

    The Chans

  15. If TBT ever has to leave us a few days, can we send yer sitter plane ticket to take care of us? Godiva chocolates involved...

  16. Awwww cute! It reminded me of me and little K. She didn't want to take her bath either when she was just a little furball.
    Emma is really really cute. And Bourbon very patient :-)


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