
Monday, November 19, 2012

Jail break

For your sidebar/posts  the auction is on. There are so many great things over sure to stop by.

Mom is still having difficulties getting the chip-in to do math, but we are getting any donations that are made - THANKS. Plus she MAY have figured it out...something about verification, so it may take a couple of days to show the updated numbers. Once again, the adventures of living with a techno-dork. MOL
We just read that Huffle Mawson ran for the Bridge. There isn't anything on their blog yet, but we are VERY sad and sending them purrs.....

And, now onto the main event: the reason for the auction

Don't believe for a second that these faces are innocent. Nope, not a chance.

Cory: in the back with the white stripe on his head. He is the second biggest (just behind Opal) and is very sure that mom is out to get him. He will come over but mom is still working on him. But he and Kyan are up for any game....real or invented.

Emma: next to Cory, more color on her face. She is the tiniest of the crew and the most cuddly so far. She is willing to play and run around....but mom suspects there is a girl out there that will be more than happy to buy Emma a shiny collar and carry her around like she is sure she deserves. She is a princess in training.

Kyan: the other boy, left side of the picture. Master of trouble and the second smallest kitten. He is always up to SOMETHING. That being said, mom picked him up the other day and he touched her nose and started to purr very loudly. aww.....

Opal: our other girl and also up for any and all adventures. She is also the kitten most likely to pounce on someone else. Like Cory, we are still working on her cuddling. But she will sit there with this look and it melts mom's heart.

But, we have other issues......they have discovered how to get over the baby gate!!!

Mom was hoping to have a little more time. Mom was working on the laptop Saturday evening when she noticed Emma coming down the hall, closely followed by Kyan. We have no idea how the littlest ones got out first.....but there it is. They don't like having the door closed now but that is the only way to keep them in there now. They are pretty little yet and can get into too much. So over the weekend they have been out for short periods of time.

Miss Emma the cute in the corner tent

The alcohol kittens are still here as well and Gin and Moonshine DO NOT like the little ones. And the little ones don't seem to care...... MOL

Marg requested video: we aim to please!!!


  1. What a bunch of adorable little criminals. MOL! We can't believe they can get out, they're so small, but persistance pays off!

  2. What darling, smart little babies! They are really keeping you on your toes! Hoping the auction brings in lots of green papers for them.

  3. They are just so cute and so darn pretty!

  4. They're so adorable they just make you ache inside. :-)

    The auction has great items, we have a bid on one, might bid on others too. Please leave your Chip-In up for a while!

    We're sick at heart about Huffle's passing, such a terrible shock and loss.

  5. Precious little ones. I adore them. I adore all your little ones you care for. xox

  6. The kittens are so cute - thank you for caring for them.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. You need to find a taller baby jail.. or one less scaleable..

  8. Love the video!!! How wonderful to have so many kitties in the house :-)

  9. Thank you, thank you for the video. I have just started visiting blogs today. Those pictures of the norty kitties are terrific too. Love the ones of them coming down the hall. Too funny. That is a great post about all of them. Take care.

  10. Cats climb, that is what we do, we shouldn't be caged! Be free gemstones! Be free!
    Baggy and Nin (aka Lee and Phod's cats!)

  11. Kittens do not have to obey the Rules of Gravity!

    Or anything else, apparently.

  12. they are so cute!! I just want to scoop them all up and snuggle!

  13. Mom's making us gag with her constant squeeing and oohing over the kittens. (get over it Mom, three is enough...and Saku says he'll eat it if you bring home another one!)

    Go kitties go, MOL!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  14. oh we're laffing so hard at Prancer's use of the word criminals!!!

  15. They're so precious. I really wish you were closer, I'd take one of them home and spoil them endlessly! :)


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