
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Off to the v-e-t....

Well, Bourbon and Whiskey were dropped off this morning to be neutered. :)  Moonshine probably would have been big enough, but Gin not so much and mom prefers they go in pairs for company. Everything looked good and mom will be able to pick them up tonight. NO ONE was happy about the "no breakfast until the boys are locked up" routine this morning.....there was LOTS of complaining.

Bourbon using Whiskey as a body pillow

Eileen made the comment yesterday that Doc must have been startled by the TV - he did look kind of surprised and ran around trying to find the sound. It was kind of wishes now she had grabbed the camera but she was just too darned surprised to think of it.


  1. We hope Bourbon and Whiskey get home soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. I hope those babies will come home and feel good again by tomorrow.

  3. Good luck, little fellas! Wishing you a speedy, uneventful recovery!!! You'll be back up and racing around before you know it!
    Play bows,

  4. Hi Jeanne!
    Did you already get you a Winnie's Wish package? Mama would really like to buy one for you if you haven't. Regardless, e-mail at us'uns at our new e-mail pugsandpurrs AT gmail DOT com.
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer PurrSibs
    Socks, Jack, Percy, Luna, & Golden

  5. We have our fingers and paws crossed that Bourbon and Whiskey's surgery and recovery go smoothly!

  6. Purring for the boys!
    I have to giggle thinking about taking pictures of a kitten 'hearing'! I know it would have been adorable, but think about it! MOL sorry, I have a funny sense of humor!

  7. My thoughts are with the boys for their surgery and recovery.

  8. purrs for the boys!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  9. We hope all went well for Bourbon and Whiskey! (Mom says she's thirsty now! ;) )

  10. Hope the boys went through their neuters with flying colours! Great idea to send them off in pairs to get snipped and stitched :)
    We are thinking of them and have all our paws crossed that all went well!!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. Hope Bourbon and Whiskey are safely home now and recuperating quietly. White Dog healing energies that they will be back to the fun of kittenness in no time.

  12. We hope everything goes well with the procedure today.

  13. Like everyone else, I hope all goes well for the two babies. They are so stinking cute! Beautiful markings, and love the little toes!!!


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