
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

not-so-Wordless Wednesday

Doc was the keeper of the kittens on Sunday:

(mom loves this picture)

We guess if you can't figure out how to escape baby jail on your own, you end up being mobbed. MOL

Oh, and mom seriously suspects that Doc is completely deaf.  She got out the dyson monster on Saturday. We all did the smart thing and ran for cover. Doc not only didn't run, he tried to help!!! OMC!! He chased the hose and the machine and the cord. And mom has snuck up on him a few times (not with the dyson monster - just on her own) and he just seems to sleep through everything. It won't affect his adoption or anything, but it is good to know....

And she has a bone to pick with Katie Isabella - mom says Katie must have been giving Doc lessons long distance in playing the blinds. He was banging away the other night - and mom yelled at him (good job mom - yell at the deaf cat - MOL). She finally went to look (which is how she knows it was him) and he gave her the "what??" look before going back to his concert.


  1. Awww...cute lil nibblets! Does Doc have blue eyes?

  2. Well done to Katie for showing you how to play the blinds Doc. Our Mum loves your Mom's favourite picture too.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Doc - great job baby-sitting the little kit-cats! That pic of you guys snuggling is MIGHTY cute!!!
    Play bows,

  4. It's so funny that Doc is the senior cat of that group and he is just a tiny little guy himself :-)

    Casper (also deaf) plays with the blinds constantly and its such a bother...especially at 2am!!! We think Doc will make a great adoption because deaf cats are so relaxed and mellow...Casper rarely gets startled.

  5. Truffle likes to play with the blinds, too.

  6. Is that not common in white cats? I thought I read that somewhere.....

  7. What a wonderful minder Doc makes! So, being deaf opens up all kinds of new possibilities for making trouble!!!

    The Chans

  8. I'm having serious doubts about the blinds I just bought.. Katie could teach Leo or Star the same thing..
    Doc is adorable, I have no doubt he'll be adopted, deaf or not.

  9. Doc looks so much like Felix. And such cute pictures of the babies snuggling up with him.
    MOL about the blinds! Good luck telling a deaf kitty about how much racket he's making with the blinds. Hahaha.

  10. Well, we're glad you figured that out about Doc. That's funny that he tried to "help" with the vacuuming. Our Sammy is deaf (because he's very old), and he simply does not give a hoot about the vacuum. :)

  11. All those pics are cuter than cute but your Mama's fav is definitely sweeter than sweet :)
    Uh, oh. Doc with the blinds. Maybe you should be called Maestro..heeheehee...

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  12. You had better hope that BINGA does stop by and teach Doc some lessons too!

  13. Mommie loves that third picture. Doc looks just like he is protecting the little one.

  14. Heeyyyy I got it ALL under control! Those are my favorite scores (get it? scores? rip and tear? heeee) and I was amazed how quickly he learned. GOOD boy!

  15. Momma yells at deaf Nuka, too! hahahaha, humans! Doc is such a White Kitty Cutie and a nurturer to boot!


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