
Friday, June 22, 2012

Finally Friday.....

Well, we are short the fast food kittens. sigh......

Mom notice Sonic and BK limping like Arby had been. Both were hot to the touch to on Wednesday. She suspected calici, but they had been vaccinated and had no mouth ulcers. They were still eating though, so she didn't panic. Plus, they were scheduled to go in to the shelter on Thursday morning to be neutered (yeah, that wasn't going to happen, but the vet could see them). Both were given fluids and were feeling better according to a voicemail mom got. However, they wanted them to get fluids twice per they sent all 3 boys home with the vet tech. Mom isn't really happy as she can give fluids but not much she can do about it.

The outlaws are doing well. Doc is out and about and playing. Sally is a....screamer. That girl has some lungs. Her main complaint is that she is always hungry - doesn't matter if she just ate or not. If mom gets up, Sally screams for a snack. Plus she can get over the baby jail gate so she has taken to following mom downstairs when mom goes to feed Allie's kittens. That causes mom to she has kittens trying to get out and Sally trying to get in and Allie hissing from the crate.

Speaking of Allie's kittens, mom is hoping to bring them up for a play date in baby jail on Saturday. This will give Allie a break, give mom a chance to catalog the kittens, and also give her a chance to see how well they are eating on their own. It amazing to see how quickly they went from "don't be touching us" to "hey are we happy to see you".

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We have the serious hots here so we are planning to stay inside in the a/c.....Spud is claiming the floor vent in the kitchen (a/c plus tile equals cooler long haired cat).

Hey: if you think about it, think good adoption thoughts for this weekend for Silver and the girls at Petco.


  1. Ok, now I know what kittens you are talking about. That is such a good idea for the auction.
    Way to go Sally. You follow that Mom. Two Two does the same thing. Everytime I get up she gallops into the kitchen.
    Too cute the two of them in the fancy feast box. Take care.

  2. They are such cute kittens - we know they will find new homes when they are old enough.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. They are sooo cute and I don't even like "Furballs"! Swop them for that big hairy thing I have to live with!
    Sorry I haven't been to visit you, after you welcomed us, Mum didn't know how to get to you, Der! Now we have shown her what to do, we have the site re-vamped, We got a RSS (not sure what that is but it looks pro). Pop over Kitties for a play.
    Will be thinking of Silver and the Girls.
    Big Licks Mollie xx

  4. We're thinking our best adoption thoughts, sending purrs to all for good health and wonderful forever homes.

    Stay cool and have a good weekend!

    P.S. No sign of the skinny little black girl yesterday AM or this AM, unfortunately. Left lots of food for whoever, though.

  5. well phewy to that vet tech who 'stole' Sonic and BK.

    LOL@Sally. Sounds like she and Simon could have a nice conversation together.

    yea for Allie's Kittens.

    paws crossed for Silver and the girls

  6. OMC... just look at that precious pic of the babies in the BOX.. it would be PERFECT fur the BOXING Event in Blogville Olympics. SOOOO CUTE!!

  7. Such cute babies. Must be a lot of fun having them there when they're so small and cute!

  8. I'll be thinking all kinds of good thoughts for the kitties to get adopted! Have a great weekend.

  9. We hope the 3 boys feel better real soon and you can have them will, right?
    Sending good thoughts for Silver and the kittens to get adopted this weekend. :)

  10. That sure is BUSY at yer place! We would be exhausted all the time listenin ta all the kittens.

  11. We is purraying for adoptions! Me KNOWS purrayers work! Me and my hairy slobbery sister Bob has dropped by to thanks yous for all your kind words and thoughts! Bobby is feeling much better today.
    Kisses and nose nudges
    Nellie and Bob

  12. I hope the little fast food kit-cats are OK!!!
    Good luck on the adoptions this weekend!!!
    Play bows,

  13. You sure have your hands full...of kittens! SQUEEEE!

  14. We sure hope the fast foodies will be okay. And we have our paws crossed that those other cuties find forever homes real soon. :)

  15. Fancy Feast boxes are a favorite of our kittens too.

    Such cuties in these pictures - just adorable.


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