
Monday, May 14, 2012

Wacky weekend update...

First from yesterday, Marg asked about Swizzle's kittens - Martini and Mojito were the only two that tested negative for FeLV. Martini was adopted last fall. Mojito was as well but about a month ago our friend Miss Beckie found a post on craigslist trying to rehome a kitten - which is a violation of their contract. So, Mojito was picked up and readopted about 2 weeks later.

And on to our wacky weekend......

Marble is at Petco. There was an open cage at another store, so mom moved a cat there and took Marble over to the adoption event and she stayed. Silver came back home with her since she isn't spayed yet. The non-technical scale they use for treats said she weighs about 1.75 pounds. :)  Hopefully she will make weight in the next week or so. Marble was pretty chatty most of the morning.

The ees aren't doing so great. Mom took them to the adoption center on Saturday and the rescue lady gave them fluids. Miss Beckie is a people nurse but she is home a little more and offered to take them back to make sure they get a little more medical attention. We aren't sure what is up with them, but we know every effort will be made to keep them healthy.

The condo came down - no reason to leave it up since Silver won't stay in there anyhow. MOL

Wendy and the kittens aren't as snotty, but they still have the runs. Mom is gonna email the shelter today and see what is going on.

Mom says there are a few things in the work this week, so we shall see what happens. :)


  1. Sounds like business as usual to us!

  2. Awwww healing hugs to the gorgeous Ees! Hope they get better! take care

  3. Ya just gotta love those sweet faces!

  4. I am exhausted from reading all about everyone moving around. So I guess Silver is just loose in the house. Bet she likes that but she must miss Marble. Glad that gal caught that ad on Craig's list. That is really scary. Have a great day.

  5. We have had the same thing happen here - the craigslist thing. we contact them and tell them to please bring the kitties back so we can rehome them to responsible peeps! Hope all will be well with the ees soon!

  6. Thanks for all the work you do. I know the angels who watch over Kitties are so proud of you.

    For those reading this, check out my cat blog archives for some informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
    Debby in Arizona

  7. Sending White Dog healing energies to the ees, Wendy and the kittens. Hope all are well in no time.

  8. What a relief Miss Beckie found that posting on craigslist and got Mojito back for rehoming.
    We're sending purrs and prayers that the ees get well soon. Poor little things.

    Thank you so much for your purrs and prayers for Tutu. They most certainly helped! :)


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