
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

more invaders....

First - could we ask a favor? Our grandma is having surgery today on her wrist and could use some purrs. They are having to put in a pin and freeze a joint due to arthritis.  THANKS

Also, mom got a text yesterday that made her all leaky. You know our friend Miss Kelly?? She had to help her old mancat Murphy over the Bridge yesterday. He had been diagnosed with the evil cancer about 4 months ago but was taking a chemo pill at home and doing ok. He had a great day outside with her on Saturday while she planted flowers. And then was sick Saturday night and most of Sunday. Mom says she doesn't know exactly what happened Sunday night, but she knows Kelly would have done whatever she could for Murphy. He showed up at her house in college at about a year old as a beat up tomcat and turned out FIV+. He regularly beat up her dog and was the true man of the house. Safe journey Murphy - and we love you Miss Kelly!!!

OK - so the teaser on Sunday....

Mom got a call Friday night. Grandma the cat was moving the kittens. The kids caught two but two got away. They have moved the trap and are going to keep trying, but mom says for all their good intentions, the kids aren't very quiet, so we don't have much hope about catching them. But we got our paws crossed.

Anyhow, mom came home Friday night with 2 more kittens. This crew is officially known as the Outlaws. You have met Annie Oakley and Wild Bill. Here are the two new ones:

Doc Holiday (male)

Mustang Sally (female)

Wild Bill has been spending some time in "time out" since he keeps trying to nurse on Annie (and not in a good way). But, while the "new" ones are bigger (yep, bottle babies just tend to be smaller - those momma cats do come in handy), they are teaching Wild Bill and Annie to eat off plate. And Sally cleans him up some, so that helps too. Friday night they spent in a crate, but they moved to baby jail on Saturday and have been in there ever sense - they aren't big enough yet to escape on their own. Annie is now crated as of this morning. The bigger two smoosh Bill to keep him from nursing. And Annie hasn't pooped in a day or so and mom wants to keep track of her - she may end up at the v-e-t tonight.


  1. Loud purrs to your grandma for her wrist surgery. We're crossing our paws all goes smoothly with that.

    Soft purrs to Miss Kelly and godspeed to Murphy.

    As for the new fosters...Oh, my! Your mom sure has her hands full. Paws crossed for Annie, for poop.

  2. We are all sending purrs to your Grandma. We hated to hear about dear Murphy and we send purrs and hugs to Miss Kelly.

    The kittens are so cute!

  3. We are sending a gazillion healing hugs to your grandma! We hope the surgery goes well!

    We are so so sorry to hear about angel Murphy! Run free and healthy gorgeous Murphy!

    Awwww the Outlaws are TOO CUTE!!! Take care

  4. Oh my gosh these white kitten babies are making me crazy!!! I never saw Casper as a kitten (only in one picture) we got him at nine months old but I bet this is what he looked like. Squeeeee!!!

  5. Sending purrs for your grandma. Those babies are adorable.

  6. AWWW... they look WAY too cute to be outlaws... purrs for your grandma.

  7. Please tell Miss Kelly we are so sorry that Murphy had to go to the bridge.
    Also sending many purrs and prayers to the grandma. Wish I could get my arthritis fixed. Good for her doing that.
    OK, so Mustang Sally looks a little like a stepchild. Too funny. Hope Annie is all right.
    Take care.

  8. Warm thoughts and prayers for your grandma.

    I love the names of the Outlaw kitties. AWESOME... Since we're in different parts of the country -- mind if I steal the idea for a future litter?

    They are soooooo adorable. Makes you want to go SQUEEEEAAAA!!!!!

  9. Ownnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

  10. I hope surgery goes well!
    Funny about Sally's coloring

  11. We're sending lots of prayers for your Grandma. :)
    The outlaws are such cuties!

  12. We have our paws crossed fur your grandma!!! Hope all goes well fur her.

  13. Purrs to yer Gramma an Miss Kelly...

    The outlaws look VERY cute!

  14. I am purring lots for your grandma, and for Miss Kelly too...

  15. Purrs and huggles for your grandma and love to the new babies. ALL of the babies and you too.


  16. Purrs and prayers for your grandma, Miss Kelly, and Annie (hope she can avoid the v e t)

    Do you know the difference between in-laws and outlaws? Outlaws are wanted! We sure hope these little outlaws find homes where they are wanted too.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

  17. awww...LOVE the names...they are all super cute!


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