
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

cover your eyes....

Mom is doing the happy dance....

And here is why:
James (Bond)

Josephine (Baker)

OK - so it isn't a great picture of the girl - she was freaked out and mom had to scruff her. But, WE CAUGHT HER!!! The neighbor lady called last night about 9:45pm and said she was in the trap. Both kittens are scared, but on a scale of Grace to Lucy, they are just a little more scared than Audrey. A little hissy but not trying to strike.

And here is Annie....the second picture is her and Blackie. They seem to be hanging together most times (he is the guy we have caught once per season - last fall and then again this summer).


  1. Hooray for a great save, she is a cutie!

  2. Wow, that is so great that you are catching all those kitties. It makes my heart soar to think they won't be producing any more homeless cats. You and your neighbors are doing wonderful things. Thanks from us.

  3. YOu have the island cats, i accidentally listed you as random cats, fixed now.

  4. James and Josephine, mum Annie and best mate Blackie. Awwwwwwwwwww such lovely lovely kitties - safe and sound with mum around!! Yay!! Take care

  5. Concats for getting them! Yippee!

    *Thank you* to you all from us too...Like Marg wrote, we're so happy these kittens won't grow up to make babies and perpetuate the cycle. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

  6. Annie has produced some beautiful kittens.

  7. Fabulous job! They are adorable! We're happy you were able to catch them.

  8. That is good news. They are so cute.

  9. Oh, wow! Just how cute ARE those two!??! We're so glad you have them now!
    Good luck, little kit-cats!
    Play bows,

  10. They are beautiful... I am in love!

  11. Nice, catch! So great that you've got them all in safe. Hope you can catch Annie too if she hasn't already been spayed.


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