
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A new thing

 First, if you missed it on Instagram or Facebook, the kittens were all adopted over the weekend!! Yay


Mom saw an ad for a cat tree from a seller on Etsy ( and was interested. We have a landing at the mid point of our entry way stairs and she thought it would be interesting to put it there. Plus it was on sale. 

Ivy was the package inspector
It came from Turkey and was well packed

Ok that's a lot of parts

Halfway there
And only one screw up so far

It came with picture directions. They were 95% helpful. Probably could have had a little more detail but not bad.

Two shelves have a rope wrap



Notice it is in the living room not on the landing. Mom thinks it is pretty so she left it here. And of course it on over 48 hours, no cat has touched it. 

Took her about 90 minutes to get it together which isn't bad. Shes going to move it around and see how it fits. It does have metal plates so when it is put in a corner it can be screwed to a wall for safety. Since this isn't a corner and may not be the final location, mom didn't screw it to the wall. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

The fuzzy bed

 A while ago mom bought a fuzzy bed for Mike. Turns out once again mom didn't read close enough and it was WAY too small. It has been in the living room and Tiffany discovered it over the weekend.

Sam and Birman are doing well too. Everyone goes back to the shelter for spay/neuter on Wednesday and we bet they get adopted asap on Friday. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Norman selfies

 Never trust a kitten with your phone

Monday, November 14, 2022

Weekend report

 Holy cats it got cold and fast. We even hate how on Saturday. It didn't stick but we got to watch it come down.

Since mom didn't have plans she decided to let the kittens loose during the day. We are lucky this shelter is ok with letting our kittens out with the permanent residents. Ivy and Daiquiri were not convinced this was a good idea.

The kittens ran around like lunatics for the first coupke of hours but settled once they got it out of their system. 

Then they found comfy (mostly) spots and took naps. 

They are in the foster room at night so the adults get some peace and mom can sleep. Norman has been whacked a couple of times by Daiquiri bit he's learning to give her some space. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Someone found the basket

 Mom looked in this morning and saw this:

Not sure if she just like the new spot or more tgat her brothers can't figure out how to get up that far. She has been using it to nap and get a better view of the birds outside.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Nice weekend

 Mom had no plans and the weather here was fabulous. Open windows for 3 days. Woohoo

The kittens will be staying for about 3 weeks or so. They have an upper respiratory infection that just won't go away. Mom did find out they were part of a litter of 9 kittens plus mom that all came in sick. The kittend were broken into groups so not to overwhelm one foster home. 

They've all gotten super friendly but have hit the "no time to snuggle things to do" age.  Plus mom had to rig a cover on the airlock to baby jail since someone escaped the other day:

In the meantime it's pretty much business as usual here. Thankfully the kittens are good about taking their meds so that helps.

Friday, November 4, 2022

The basket

 Mom went shopping at Aldi's earlier this week and found this cute basket.

The plan was to use it to store some blankets in the foster room. Cute blankets in there to open up some space in the cabinet for other things.

Of course before mom got that organized, a certain tuxedo cat found it and moved in.

Sorry Chanel. You are cute but it goes in the foster room.

Of course mom went back last night....
And they were gone.